Oh boy, is "Obama's shadow government" going to become the new "Death panels?"
Oh boy, is "Obama's shadow government" going to become the new "Death panels?"
I agree it was mostly bullshit that should have resulted in nothing more than a fine, but the office was under high pressure from every owner not named Robert Kraft to over-punish the team because of the perception that they had been under-punished for Spygate.
The Beyhive's persecution complex is getting to Patriots fan levels.
My God, Morgan is on the receiving end of a goofy twitter stunt and still manages to look like the cupcake. Toolbag without peer.
It'll be funny when Rowling sues their ass off.
Only partially related: Alex Jones said Lady Gaga's Super Bowl performance was a glorification of Satan and the "rise of the machines." He has officially worked the Terminator universe into his Doomsday predictions.
If the First Amendment itself was ever challenged in court, comment sections would be Exhibit A.
Kinja has actively made my life worse.
Didn't notice your comment before I made a very similar one, sorry. Guess that speaks to how pervasive youtube's stupidity is.
*Video of puppy playing with kitten*
Most things at the White House will suck this year.
We needed Christian animal friendship movies to combat the unending stream of Satanism from Benji and the like.
The only genuinely good thing to come out of these is the "Left Behind" song from the first movie. It's a soft, gentle, major-key folk/rock song of dire prophecy. Creepy and memorable even if you don't believe.
"Thank you for calling Hooters. This is who we are."
More power to those that are willing.
It might, and as an isolated incident, there's nothing wrong with it. But it's not an effective long-term policy unless you're willing to go to jail.
I don't think this turd getting punched is anything to wring my hands over. However, the way people are STILL fetishizing and high-fiving over this single moment two weeks later is really, really weak.
Gather 'round, grandad's going to tell us about when journalism was a thing.
I think there's a song on Nebraska about that.
I don't think Rock even exists anymore, except for the shit they have on loop at Planet Fitness.