Heating element

I resent that, two famous rap acts herald from the great city of Boston. Of course, they both have the same exact personnel, and come to think of it are more R & B than rap, but…


I'd argue that the Riker's Island bit was dark humor, but if she feels the same way as her husband about her kid's school, she's just another exemplar of hypocritical NIMBY liberalism. The "alternate reality" bit from the dinner was nauseating Clinton grabass. When the applause breaks outnumber the actual laughs,

Philadelphia was criticized for its apparent squeamishness about gay intimacy (displays of affection between Banderas and Hanks were limited to a single kiss on the cheek), but I don't think the attitude of the film is that gay people are gross. Ron Nyswaner, the writer, is an activist, and he has spoken about being

What…what is this.

Did you read the link? The "controversy" was represented by four people on twitter being snarky. Threshold for what constitutes a controversy is way too low these days.

Not bad, although the greatest empty-headed assertion that a real life event is actually a work of art remains Stockhausen calling 9/11 a "concert."

There might be Muslims out there!

I just remembered there was an article on this site that listed "hard pass" on the "you're stupid if you use this expression" list, so I apologize.


They almost cancel each other out, but not quite. Breitbart and The Rude Pundit might be a better pair.

Salon, once in a while, will have an intelligent, critical article. Of course it's buried under 15 variations of "My heart rate increased when I passed a black person on the street but now I feel really bad about it, ok?"

"Allah akbar?"

“serving up the news with a sense of humor, outrage and empathy.”

Hard fucking pass.

I didn't read the interview (the excerpts are acutely nauseating), but I'm glad it was posted, as these comments are hilarious. Everyone is SO MAD.

Heteronormative AF, bae.


Really? His track record with fights isn't good.

Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy
Eddie Murphy