Heating element

Why the hell isn't this guy a megastar?  He's smart, and he has a great screen prescence, suited to either deadpan comedy (Naked Lunch) or being the strong silent type (the Murphy scenes in RoboCop).  He's also got strong features and dreamy blue eyes.  Is it his choice to choose his roles judiciously?

Sluggo The Ass Rapist has taught us all an important lesson on the value of respect.

Fuckin' internet.

This is the price we pay for entering the Golden Age of Television:  Networks that used to be respected go to shit.

Alex Billington is bringing this story to the U.N.

Wait…Derek isn't mentally handicapped?  I thought that was what caused all of the controversy.

Yes, the board bothers me.

Maybe.  But with Saul, I'm partial to the "cockroach after a nuclear war" theory.

Yup.  He did a super serious video imploring the current administration to conduct a new investigation.

There's Newtown truthers now too.  Apparently the grieving families are lying to push the globalist agenda.  We laugh at these people, but they're pretty sick.

Hinckley is the quintessential "lone nut."  Given how these types usually bring conspiracy theorists out of the woodwork, I'm surprised there aren't more parnoid theories about Reagan.

Fred Phelps?  I have to warn you, they get a little repetitive.

A Swastika tattoo and a supply of automatic weapons?  He's got to be their wet dream.

According literallyunbelievable, a LOT of people think bears are now involved in the Syrian conflict.  For some reason that "story" has picked up a lot of momentum.

I first heard about these guys shortly after discovering the Landover Baptist Church, and I thought it was the same sort of thing.  I'm still not entirely convinced that it's not.

AMATEURS.  A real raging internet nerd would petition the White House to have Zack Snyder's movie-making privileges revoked.  I might sign it too.  Your move, ACLU.


Alan Moore posts here?


I partly agree.  The scene was staged brilliantly, but to end it there seemed like a stunt a lesser show would pull.  Then again maybe the next episode will wrap it up brilliantly.  Gilligan has us by the balls and he knows it.