Heating element

I really thought he was going to catch a bullet while on the phone with Marie.  They milked the HELL out of that scene.

If this was a Matthew Weiner show there would be a hit out on Norris now.

Pfft.  I heard the 3:10 to Dresden was running 10 minutes late.  They should take lessons from that other guy.

I thought I saw blood on Gomie, could be wrong.

Bob Jones snorting coke with hookers will become Bob Jones playing beer pong with a couple of gals from the office.

Berklee School of Music.  Lots of animosity towards Wayne in the jazz community.

Agreed.  The original had some good parts (great John Williams score) but is no classic.  I'm on board!

Wayne:  American will hate you for this.
Dern:  Yeah, but they'll love me at Berkeley.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus and @avclub-2e4e7c5b19e2fd70a093578b9d858234:disqus Yeah I'm well aware that Jackson's prescence isn't exactly a guarentee of a good movie, but damn, that voice.

I think it looks terrible, but hey, Michael Keaton and Samuel L. Jackson are there, so the "good cast" part is partially true.

So Robocop immediately remembers who he was and has all of that knowledge?  Didn't the original derive much of its power from the fact that he had only occasional flashbacks and didn't find out who he was until the end?

Trailer tastes like baby food.

But it's so dense every scene so many things going on.

"Of course not!" - People of 1990

"These guys got no future."

Wrong thread, whoops

I usually hate this but:

I don't think anyone here disagrees that hecklers are scum.


There was a time when Rogan believed in EVERY conspiracy theory.  9/11, moon landing, JFK, etc…was he involved in Loose Change?