Heating element

Goggins' character will belong to a study group that always meets behind closed doors with members always meeting with mysterious "accidents."

Always a good sign.


Grey's got way too much self respect for this.

As usual, you're the first.

Wait…is Amelie JimTreacher?

Wait…Quall's weirdness is real?  I thought he was just acting.


When the AV Club posts an obit three days later, that means it's not late.


I feel the same way about you buddy.

"It was ok"

Worked for Joe Biden.

At least this movie didn't come out less than half a year after the Challenger tragedy.

Number one exporter of potassium…

@avclub-b97571db1a0896767fce3e25e0405668:disqus  Homeland Season 2 did take some wacky wrong turns, but I still have hope for it.

Breaking Bad gets away with all sort of shit that no one would accept  in Homeland.  Not criticizing at all, it's a great show, but you just know that if Walt killed someone by hacking a pacemaker, everyone would be like WHOA OWNAGE BITCH.

"Good to see you here, Fred.  A theater!  How charmingly retro.  How have things be…hey, what the hell? POLICE!"

"Cloris, you'll never be over the hill, not in the car you drive."  (Very scattered laughter)
"This man is for the birds!"
"They want to murder you in a well."