That picture should be used for every Mel Gibson article. Even his obituary.
That picture should be used for every Mel Gibson article. Even his obituary.
"I like seeing a woman with ambition, Maddow. It's like seeing a dog wearing clothes."
In my imagination he's looking for Deebo so he can serve him the summons.
That was pretty mean and horrible, but dammit I laughed, especially at "Are you angry that your train ride is over?"
The lawyer on a bicycle at the end cracked me up.
I'm not religious but I still think it's pretty freaking scary. Some of the effects (like the head-spinning) have been copied and parodied into oblivion and seem kind of silly, but the make-up and sound design were pretty damn convincing. I still have trouble watching the spinal tap scene too.
You joke, but the Millennium episode "Somehow Satan Got Behind Me" is a great riff on this premise.
I really have to pity an obese AIDS patient.
"I was a Tuskegee Airman!"
It was, but there were lots of explosions.
Looking at that picture, I can see that a doppelganger is now what I thought it was.
"Why would they send someone here just to insult us?"
I have to admire the producers of The Plague Dogs, simply for creating something that they knew would be such a damn hard sell.
The Wikipedia for these guys is hilarious.
I thought they just solved mysteries.
For me, the final episodes of The Shield elevated it from being "a way above-average cop show" to being Great TV. The very last scene was near-Kubrickian.
The Rock Bottom segment makes me laugh harder than anything else the show ever did, and that's saying something.
I think we're in agreement here. Most people on this site could name a number of hip-hop artists that are better than whatever shit people here on the radio, because they've explored the genre. That's the key.