Heating element

It's not that I have a problem with it…I was fucking around with my original post and I definitely overstated it.  I just really don't understand it.  Whenver I hear someone say that they HATE country or jazz or Broadway, I can't help but think that completely shutting out an entire genre for fairly whimsical reasons

Considering the countless forms that musicals have assumed over the years, to say that you "hate" them regardless of style isn't really something I can comprehend.

But you can't manage another one so soon, even though you are crazy.

I think I saw bits of some double-tapped guy on the wall back there.

Given what we know about Marky Mark, doesn't his very existence make this film's premise impossible?

So he should fit right in…

"No, I hate musicals. I really hate musicals."

So this movie is Jonathan Winters' smurf swan song?  Damn.  Guess it makes sense, looks like he did a lot voice work (including the old Smurfs cartoon).

I sure do…aw shit I gotta get back to work!

First is obviously Made in America.

Sean O'Neal, humorless as always.

Sorry, it can't match the poetry of that "I"ll bag you like some groceries" number.

There are some good writers there, and there are some thoughtful pieces being written.  But they tend to get overshadowed by the "SQUEE CAT VIDEOS OMG THIS DOCTOR IS TOTALLY MANSPLAINING BY LAYING OUT SOUND GUIDELINES FOR BREAST CANCER SCREENING" crowd (yes, there actually was an article claiming just that).

@doctorhawkes C'mon, you have never said anything like that to your partner to make things hotter?  I'm no sex machine (I'm posting at the AV Club with a Godzilla avatar, for Christ's sake), but saying stuff like that in a consensual setting with a long-term partner to spice things up isn't really out of the ordinary

Oh Andy Capp…

Wait…they really did that?

"Good news kids…no homework tonight!" made the rounds in my high school days.

Don't worry about it, etc.

Jeez Hero, are they any kittens on fire you want to tell us about?

That was a great episode.