
Oh and I didn't actually see Philomena, but I thought parts of it took place in the past. Probably shouldn't have included that one.

I'm not quite sure what argument you're trying to make. I agree that those are terrible pseudo-historical movies with male protagonists that would fail the Bechdel test.

A "less enlightened" time.

Somehow I'm still mad about Newt and Hicks dying in between those films damnit.

Alien 3, however, fails like crazy.

Agreed! Many of these movies play fast and loose with history anyway.

That's pretty much what I was attempting to say. I guess I didn't phrase it very well, and I meant no offense.

I haven't seen much of Mad Men, but it's fictional, no?

Men weren't just dominating the publishing industry; they were also busy dominating politics, business, and war. Don't shoot the messenger.

Women were historically marginalized, so in a manner of speaking, yes.

Whoa there, I'm all for more female-centric films. You're putting oddly capitalized words in my mouth.

One of the many reasons that women are underrepresented in film: any period piece is likely to have more male leads if it's based on real events. Even the Oscar winners/nominees that Caroline cited as passing the Bechdel test (American Hustle, Dallas Buyers Club, 12 years a Slave) are based on true stories that took

I understand why Erik Adams would analyze Cersei's actions in the way that he did, but I don't think he's correct in doing so. It seems that no one associated with the show intended the scene to be interpreted as rape (although I certainly did, and I'm disappointed in humanity). Cersei's behavior seems to be a

The #2 search in Ireland is "drunk." Seriously.

The people demand a Judge Judy-esque court show starring a gavel-wielding Sean O'Neal!

Flophouse talk! I too enjoyed the return of the Kalan. As much as I love Hallie, I think she works best with Elliott as a foil.

I think I'd watch it if Alison Brie was a "mini-figure." That's the only way that society will ever reach gender equality.

I was worried they'd try to shut down McDowell's.