
Care to explain "the age of the dick licker" then?

I'm a fan of both Kinsella and this band. Kinda bums me out to think that Kinsella is now of a generation past.

Sooo how does the New Cult Canon factor into this?

Full list of of Skydance Productions: True Grit, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, G.I. Joe: Retaliation, Star Trek Into Darkness, World War Z, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, Terminator Genisys and Star Trek Beyond.

David Sims disliked it over at The Atlantic: "There may not have ever been a good show buried in all these misfiring elements, but even so, Hollands has picked a poor way to tell his story"

Yeah! It was officially a Secret Success!

The Gowanus Canal once tested positive for gonorrhea. I learned this fun fact from the Bored to Death episode entitled "The Gowanus Canal Has Gonorrhea!"

You extrapolated a lot more from that comment than I did.

This gentleman may have been charming on WTF, but his specials are dire. Inoffensive, sure, but direeee.

Just in case anyone thought Sean Penn had a ghostwriter for this piece, it includes this sentence: "Dick in hand, I do consider it among my body parts vulnerable to the knives of irrational narco types, and take a fond last look, before tucking it back into my pants."

The Phantom Menace was hardly "loved on release" considering its 56% score on Rottentomatoes. Strangely enough, AotC has a 66%.

Love this song and its successor. So much, in fact, that I actually named my cat "Virtue." I was aware of the cat's proper title, but it sounds silly when said aloud.

"killed by reboot"


What, not even Mrs. Featherbottom?

Relevant LCD Soundsystem lyrics: "I'm losing my edge to the art-school Brooklynites in little jackets and borrowed nostalgia for the unremembered eighties."

You'd think she would've picked up on the lesson here: one shouldn't let his or her children hang around autistic kids. That's probably how it spreads.