
Ooo I am also a denizen of the Whig.

Well, at least we resolved the whole Chris Brown "nature vs. nurture" argument here.

Well, at least we resolved the whole Chris Brown "nature vs. nurture" argument here.

The Times crossword puzzle supports this definition.

The Times crossword puzzle supports this definition.

Anyone else think Passion Pit sounds like a sexual euphemism?

Anyone else think Passion Pit sounds like a sexual euphemism?

I'm still just seeing Tara from True Blood.  If only that show had the gall to kill off the most useless and unlikable characters…

I'm still just seeing Tara from True Blood.  If only that show had the gall to kill off the most useless and unlikable characters…

Not really.  Kerry did say his favorite Red Sox player was "Manny Ortez" though. 

Not really.  Kerry did say his favorite Red Sox player was "Manny Ortez" though. 

That man never drank a Duff in his life!

That man never drank a Duff in his life!

Why didn't Will Arnett yell out a certain catchphrase at the end? COME ON!

Why didn't Will Arnett yell out a certain catchphrase at the end? COME ON!

Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear?