Fever Dog

Then your takeaway is simplistic since that movie depicted one small set of Muslims. And was that about religion or colonialism?

For me, It's not sympathy for Islam. It's criticism of wrong headed policy. I agree w Shaq below that it's scaremongering. Organized violence by extremist Muslims is not a particularly high threat but it is used to justify bad policy making.

One of my faves….

No it was quite a bit more substantial than just a line. In the book and the movie Yeager used as a framing device and a symbol of old technology, manliness, and ultimately The Right Stuff.

Didn't know that was about him. Thanks for that.

JonGorski, you should clarify that this is a Dan Savage quote and not your opinion. I had to Google the first sentence there to be sure. I don't know if Savage walked it back or not.

You, soft and only
You, lost and lonely
You, just like Kevin.

Honestly, Aaron Neville is probably the absolutely easiest celebrity to imitate. I have absolutely no talent and I'm completely unfunny but I can do Aaron Neville and get some chuckles… All you have to do is "Look at this man…" in falsetto and there you go. I'll bet $500 that the impression was from that song.

There are other more pressing things to be outraged about currently. I only have so much rage to out.

I couldn't get past the first book because of this. The writing wasn't bad but the logic of the world was much too thin. "Adding stuff just to add stuff" is spot on. Qiddich is the perfect example of that.


five stars!

Where's the Tuck Buckford love?

late to this particular party…

No. Not like those times. I mean an entirely unambiguous racist statement along the lines of Mel Gibson. I'm not defending anyone but both those statements could have easily been sympathetically interpreted. Regarding Mexico, he said something like "they're sending us rapists, criminals, and some are good people."

How long before someone loses it and let's loose some horrifying stream of consciousness tirade? So far it's been vulgar and questionable and reflective of bad policy but sooner or later someone's inner Mel Gibson is going to come spilling out.

Yeah maybe. Or maybe he just doesn't know how to say "blocking" without the vulgarity. I agree that it's necessary to include it tho.

I've spent too much time thinking about this too. It's debatable. The tracer doesn't have a long range so he'd have to be very lucky to stumble across it. Then, do those things have batteries? If so, they might run out before he ever found it.

He had a deadline and happy hour was in 10 minutes.

Wait, hold on, what does the FUCKING BOOK SAY?