Fever Dog

Has Cameron Esposito weighed in on the Kinja shift?

And humorlessness… because much of the fun is actually wearing the glasses. But he can't be bothered with joining in the fun because he's too lazy/aloof/faux-elitist.

What does Star Trek have to do with this?

I don't think this is about politics anymore. At least on the right. It's devolved into tribalism and reactionism against many, many things including rational thought, decency, empathy, prudence, etc. What are the policies of the Republican party and its supporters apart from being anti this or anti that?

No, this is Syracuse. Don't worry, a lot of people make that mistake. Sometimes they confuse us with Rome too.

Like how they got over slavery? And the genocide of Native Americans?

Oops. Should have scrolled down more.

Or "ask" as a noun, instead of "request." As in "let's all compile our list of asks for the front office and have Bob email them to the VP."

Not in Happy Days. But it really wasn't his fault since it was garbage by the time he arrived. For me the actual shark jumping moment on Happy Days was not Fonz jumping the shark but when Arnold's burned down.

Ted McGinley, natch.

It's our job to be repetitive. Our job. Our job. Repetitiveness is our job!

You sort of had to have a big TV vocabulary at the time. Witnessing Cousin Oliver, Ted Mcginley, Scrappy-Doo, etc. etc. etc. etc. None of that shit worked, all us kids knew it and so Roy and Poochie were hilarious.

It's not the words. It's the lack of understanding of the words. So yes I still use them. Consistently and thoroughly.

Yeah, she's a really strong talent. Her versions of Butcher's Boy and Lady Franklin's Lament are outstanding.

This is simultaneously condemnation and praise of the Sex Pistols.

Jenkum is the shit brah!

Or, yes, depending on how you look at it.

Don't forget to check the sub-basement.

Trump's going to bring back the coal miners and milkmen.

Lately mine is green. I'm hoping it's the food coloring in the hamburger bun.