Fever Dog

Or an HVAC repairman.

Gene, I said "makin` whoopie!"

Hopefully this will spark a Dance Dance Revolution. VIVA LA TANGO!

Except that this shit isn't funny anymore.

I thought DayZ was pretty damn scary but, speaking of Arma, was hobbled by the shitty game engine.

Jeez, "The Jerky Boys." So 90's.

…some, I assume, are good people?

Globally, population growth rates have been declining for decades. On every continent. Thanks, in no small part, to GOVERNMENT INTERVENTIONS.

I don't buy this. I don't agree that patriotism is exclusive to the right. There are a ton of things to be proud of about the United States. The United States has made profound contributions to the world and it's ok to be proud of that.

This thing reads like a fake Onion article/interview.

It's a knick-knack, Patty Black, give the frog a loan!

And he has cool hair.

Peter Frampton's talk box FTW!

Sticking this in the Springsteen thread:

Why couldn't it have been just a cool decoration and/or border of a public space?

I saw Saw 2 too.

We need a ZMF reboot.

This is the problem. If it does end up a train wreck then the wreck will be huge with a major impact.

I don't. They look like babies. They didn't then but they sure do now.

I swear to christ if I hear one more Avicii tune I'm gonna smash all the Sonos.