Fever Dog

Black people Chyna like this—Blac Chyna, an American model, entrepreneur and former stripper.

Dactylic Dimeter with an extra foot thrown in.

Escape from the Planet of the Apes with the female ape going on the weird shopping trip and spa visit.

Cause you can compare the Rock to Jimmy Carter?

Wrong. Obama had been training himself for the position since 1988. Since Harvard.

Fuck off. Seriously. Fuck off. Fuck you the Rock and fuck you anyone who is fucking dumb enough to underestimate the qualifications of this job.

This is going to happen no matter what we do. Some large portion of the most densely populated country on earth—Bangladesh—is going to be displaced. Let's say, 50 million people. Historically speaking, displaced South Asians tend to die in the millions. There's your entire nation of dead people.

"I'm a reasonably smart person. For example, I built my own house with my own two hands. And I just know for a fact that there's no way something so small as PEOPLE, relative to how big the planet is, can affect climate so profoundly! What's that? Scientists are telling me I'm wrong? How dare you call me stupid

It's the Hee-Haw of drugstores!

I was playing Words with Friends for a while and I noticed an unusually high number of attractive women playing it/looking for matches. Can anyone explain?

Sorry to pick on you because many have made the same comment but my instinct is to question why anyone feels they can openly make this statement? I have no idea what their relationship is like, what his relationship with his diseased was like, what's going through his head, or anything.

Marriage is a much better deal for men. (American) men are socialized to see marriage as giving something up and (American) women are socialized to see it as something to strive for. Upon marriage, many men experience a general improvement in their lives while many women quickly learn that they married a normal guy

I see it more as coming in spurts.

Really? People who were not in favor of the Iraq war were assholes? Please explain.

Umm, OK.

I know! His name is Steven!

WTF no grape ape.

Where we're at, lucid is left and left is lucid.


Woody Guthrie?