Fever Dog

Would you buy them wholesale?

So I'm old enough now to have lived through the change over to CDs, the underground and then above ground pro-vinyl backlash and now, it seems, the backlash to that backlash?

From Growing Pains? She's into clips on testicles?

…death to anyone referring to a "bucket list"

I always just watch them on airplanes…

Moxy Früvous

Why AM I so effing tired?

Actually, that may be the one movie that wasn't retroactively ruined given her lifestyle in the film and in reality.

I only follow the teachings of al-Jaffee.

No but they are gluten free.

But my love is bigger than a Honda
Yeah, it's bigger than a Subaru
Hey man there's only one thing
And one car that will do

"leader of the free world"

He's their Picasso.

This is why I always wear a rain poncho.

The most disgusting part of this is that I'd be surprised if she believes half of what she says. She's just trying to carve out her own market. Trying to be the next Savage or Limbaugh or Beck. It's snake oil bullshit that has been selling since Limbaugh or even before that with Coughlin.

Some are born douchey, some achieve doucheness, and some have doucheness thrust upon them.

Lenny and Squiggy reboot.

My Tinder Date with ‘Pharma bro’ Martin Shkreli

heh heh. Thanks for that.

IMO, some shortened names do sound worse. Rich and Mike for example. Bill, Rob and Tom are fine. Jack is preferable to John.