Fever Dog

Probably their best album. Unforgettable Fire.

Anderson, Walkmen, Buttholes and How!

Has it gotten worse than Salon? When I was reading Slate 10 years ago or so it was markedly better.

Fuck. Play some new one dick you, what?

Not defending, but there's a difference between knew and did nothing and covering it up. Has it been proved he covered it up?


Robert Downey Jr. has really gone downhill.

He also brought folk music firmly into popular culture out of the fringes thereby connecting it with hundreds of years of tradition. So, connecting the old European ballads and stuff with what's happening today.

They go on a boat tour and get shipwrecked and stuck on an island and then try to get off of it for years. That'd be sweet.

It's only part of my everyday life because the media keeps shouting at me about it. Otherwise, it's not.

This. I'm sorry for the families and friends of the London and other victims. I'm sure it's awful. However, 300 Americans died in the past 72 hours due to guns according to http://www.gunviolencearchi…

It was pre-apocalyptic. Things were coming apart but hadn't quite gotten there yet.

Yeah I agree with that. Holy Grail has some gags that kind of hit a sour note with me anyway. I can't stand watching the duel scene anymore ('tis but a scratch). I think Life of Brian is absolutely timeless.

That's a hell of a list. I haven't seen Meatballs since it first came out. Does it still hold up?

Didn't I empty the dishwasher?!?!?!!?!!?

I saw it on a plane like I see all these bullshit "blockbusters". It was fine. Nothing to write on the AV…

There's a fine line between mansplaining and manstanding.

My old brain is having a hard time with MRA, SJW, IIRC, and several others. It took me years to commit tl;dr to memory. I keep reading MRA as something between an MRE and an MBA.

And Carmen Sanesposito.

Klaatu Barada NNNNNNecktie. Nectar. Nickel. Noodle. It's an "N" word, it's definitely an "N" word! Klaatu… Barada… N [clears his throat into his hand, then pauses] Okay… that's it!