Fever Dog


I can't remember if he played WoW. Probably. I haven't talked to him in a while. He has sunk thousands into Star Citizen already…

Apologies. This was a half-baked theory at best. I guess I'm just wondering why I've only ever met one DC fan and why none of my friends as kids read DC (maybe because it was the 70s).

The same federal government that makes sure assholes don't destroy national monuments?

A little?

You probably know way more about Plato and Nietzsche than the average person than you think you do. In my field (which isn't academics or much beyond a four year degree), I've completely lost touch with how little people know about it and mistakenly assume people know the very basics of my field. It's surprising to

Get fucked asshole.

When it trickles down to selfies it's time to stop.

Trump used to own the Washington Generals? Well, that explains things.

I'd rather get shot in a cannon to London than go through fucking Heathrow.

Since the microbrewery "revolution," some of the best beer in the world is made in the U.S. Your older English gentleman obviously had no idea what he was talking about.

Fucking bullet time shows up everywhere nowadays. Not just in action movies. In TV commericals, promotional videos, amateur productions, everywhere. People just throw it in randomly in their crappy videos and it's super annoying.

"Ballistic: Ecks Vs. Sever was directed by an adult human who decided to call himself Kaos, and that’s really all you need to know about that."

Of course not. What I'm saying is that the world made this bed and we're all of us lying in it. I'll stop here though because I see that this argument is going on elsewhere.

Medina, OH

You forgot the part about the person whose children are having arrows shot at them moving into the house without being invited years earlier and kicking out the residents to the shed in the backyard and then building walls around that shed.

You mean "leather n lace"?

I predict this project will be truly sunsational.

This was pre X-anax.

Targeting the senior demographic wasn't much of a long-term strategy. Sure, people age into the demographic every day but I can imagine many who do are entirely turned off of Fox News for good.