Fever Dog

Yeah I'm with you. But I think he'll get there in terms of movies. He just hasn't hit the vein yet but I'm confident he will.

I have an 18 Wisdom which is great but like an 8 Int and 4 or 5 Charisma so the high Wisdom roll is more or less useless. I just sit around alone feeling superior to everyone but I'm actually a lot dumber than I think. I like to think I have good karma so maybe the next go around things'll be better.

I always liked his kung fu slippers.

Forgot to equip one and got stuck. Had to abandon ship in the middle of fucking nowhere. That Asp Explorer cost me 10 million credits….

He sucked in Serpico too.

Obsessed with wine, cheese, bread, cuisine in general, art, film.

It's Worthington's Law!

The cultural divide between Marvel fans and DC fans is weird. In my 40+ years, I've only ever met one DC fan and he was a moronic libertarian. I knew no one as a kid who liked DC and in the mostly academic circles I travel in as an adult I've almost never met a DC comic fan. We need some Venn diagrams of this

When will Kamila Khan get her own show!!!!!!!!!?!!?!?!

Nah. Spider Man 2 beats both of those.

We keep the rebar-stretcher in the basement. Go ask the front office secretary for the key…

It's obviously a Slovenian sex act.

I get my dental work done in the Dominican Republic.

Seinfeld is like Krispy Kreme donuts. It's a really fucking good donut but, you know, it's still just a donut.

That scene of you on your train slays me every time.

Yeah I don't get why it's so underrated. It's hilarious. The final scene with the CIA director and his deputy is priceless.

This is completely outdated, dumb and a holdover from a more colonialist time.

"I still think Afghanistan has important similarities to Middle Eastern countries like Iraq (lots of US boots on the ground, relatively high-profile US media coverage) or Yemen or Syria". Please, name those "important similarities." Here, I'll give you a head start:

Pakistan would be considered South Asia actually although that could be considered hair splitting. It's sort of on the border with Punjab and Sindh being more south and Balochistan, the tribal areas and Kashmir being more central.

Ahem. That's Central Asia. Not the Middle East.