Fever Dog

I've never been to a "pally" either.

Yeah I agree. I'm not a jam band person but ABB were outstanding.

I always get Rush, Crash and Traffic confused with each other. Two of the three are Altman-esque ensemble films and two of the three are about drugs. All three are things that happen on highways.

Unconventional? All nuns are conventional.

Sœur Marie-Thérèse des Batignolles

Sure. The brain is malleable. But are you really arguing that learning a new language will enable you to develop an entirely new medium of perception?

Imagine the boardroom discussion.

American Movie.


Did she discuss her relationship with Donatello?

I don't remember it all that well but wasn't it that because she learned the aliens' written language fluently she was somehow able to shift her fourth dimensional perspective? That's the part I had a hard time buying into. I understand Sapir-Whorf and all that but I can't imagine learning a different language—which

I image balalalaikas.

The Scandinavian Slide is my favorite sex act.

I would have been more impressed if you said you cut your own hair.

Those biplanes could get up to 30K feet? Wow. I assume they had oxygen tanks?

You forgot the console wars.

Is the gay Honeymooners bit really homophobic though? I haven't seen it in yonks so I can't remember. Seems kinda funny and harmless to imagine Kramden and Norton as gay.

My first memory is wrong too. I was probably 4 when I went to see it in the theater. I remember the Millennium Falcon entering the Death Star through the giant round laser.

Please let it be in space.

They say that everything that dies, someday comes back.