Fever Dog

This'll really knock him off his perch.

My first memory of Donald Trump is from Doonesbury cartoons from the 80s. Trudeau wasn't kind to him…

While horrifying and disgusting, I think actions like Manchester don't have the same impact they once did so I don't think they have that power anymore. I'm not saying a terrorist action can't at all anymore but it'd have to be more outlandish.

It's because the liberal media are a bunch of brownshirt thugs.

I enjoy origami.

Regressive. That's all it is. Rolling back social and political gains because they're difficult to understand, uncomfortable, and/or require sacrifice and empathy.

TB does not equal polio. You understand that, right?

"all day"… Uh-huh. Sure they do. You can easily follow the trails backwards and see that they actually don't linger at all.

Regarding UFOs anyway, I don't think that's true. Close Encounters came out in the 1970s. I remember prime time TV shows on the subject. And the water fluoride thing has been around forever. I guess your point still stands but it's not that we didn't hear this shit before.

Right, see the thing about not trusting the government is that the government is supposed to be there protecting us from violence, immorality, greed, etc. I know, Watergate, COINTELPRO, etc. but I'll put my money on government well before I put it on a corporation. Seriously, at this point, you'd think the mentality

…OK just one more Breaking Bad ep and then I swear I'm getting off of this couch.

Yes. Improved nutrition prevents the spread of polio. Sure it does.

Much better.

Downvoted for poor avatar/comment synergy.

I agree it's a bad look but it was common in the 80's and people are still doing it. Probably MORE common then.

Fuck all that if I get mine.

I think the first motivation is tax cuts generally speaking. Since they're making the decisions, obviously they make themselves benefit the most from it. The second motivation is the need to justify screwing over the poor. So they buy into the Reaganomics ideas but more to justify and less because of the soundness

Jerry: Fake news?

Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa TaKa
Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa TaKa Dha TiRa KiTa
Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa TaKa Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa
Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa TaKa Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa Dha TiRa KiTa
Dha TiRa KiTa TaKa Dha

Something about a guy who gets seizures when he has violent thoughts or tendencies so they install this chip in him to give him an orgasm when a seizure goes off to curb his violent thoughts. He gets addicted to the orgasms and to feed it goes on a killing spree. It's brilliant. I was really young too when I read