Fever Dog

Was this an attempt at a pun thread? If so, you pulled a real boner by not making it more obvious.


Decades after I read it, I still bring up Terminal Man when talking about epilepsy.

I'm no Crichton defender but keep in mind this was posthumous. He may not have been done with it.

But it's gluten free so it's really the only yogurt I can eat.

Bill N' Opus.

Yeah it's too bad they acquired that rep. Making Movies and Communique are outstanding. And Knopfler has this crazy country music fingerpicking style he brought over into rock which sounded great.

New Year's Day. Quintessential Edge guitar solo.

Dread Zeppelin does the definitive version.

I pulled off my first "of cock" when I was around 12 I think.

I refuse to believe that we are living in a rough age. It certainly has been "rough" for O'Reilly and Ailes and others like him but I see it as more of a reckoning. Sorry it's been "rough" but karma's a bitch.

Interesting that you mention Scorsese because he clearly shows how inconsistent JC could be. Which actually has more to do with how these stories were produced than what actually happened. The stories were written decades later. So, poor recollection, revisions, agendas, etc.

Logistical/legal nightmares never stopped the Ming emperors!

Oh for sure. Whatever anyone thinks of the jamming (not for me. Why bother when I can listen to Jazz musicians do it 1000 times better) Jerry Garcia and the Dead deserve a lot of credit for exposing people to folk, americana and bluegrass.

BY the river. Not IN the river.

With Jane Birkin heavy breathing.

Wasn't he supposed to be the sidekick on this show at one point?

I like the Dead's folk stuff and appreciate Jerry Garcia's contributions in developing bluegrass and Americana but I can't agree that he was great at bluegrass. I'm not an expert so I might be wrong but I just never though he was technically all that great at banjo, relatively speaking. He was definitely good but

They were also a really good and pioneering Americana/folk band.

I did the same for Easter this year. My parents wanted to go to this specific church near my house and they aren't familiar with the city I live in. I couldn't bear just letting them try to find it so I went to high Mass for the first time in decades. It was kinda interesting going back to that after having lived