
I agree. There is a place for the Suze Orman's and the Dave Ramsay's of the world, but they also tend to create a culture of shame when it comes to struggling with money issues, making you believe that if you were just a better person overall, you would have no debt and a fully funded IRA.

I agree. There is a place for the Suze Orman's and the Dave Ramsay's of the world, but they also tend to create a culture of shame when it comes to struggling with money issues, making you believe that if you were just a better person overall, you would have no debt and a fully funded IRA.

Janet Varney - she seems like the very best sort of human being on her podcast, and even though she's confessed to some dark stuff, she manages to do it without the bitterness or self pity that sometimes comes through from, oh, say, Marc Maron.

Janet Varney - she seems like the very best sort of human being on her podcast, and even though she's confessed to some dark stuff, she manages to do it without the bitterness or self pity that sometimes comes through from, oh, say, Marc Maron.

Whew, I've finally caught up. I don't adore the comics for reasons I've already laid out. I find the more childish elements grating, and even though I'm not the target audience for it, I think some elements talk down to kids in ways that aren't completely necessary.

Whew, I've finally caught up. I don't adore the comics for reasons I've already laid out. I find the more childish elements grating, and even though I'm not the target audience for it, I think some elements talk down to kids in ways that aren't completely necessary.

I don't know how to feel about the fact that this post refers to Faith Hill and Shania Twain as the "older" country artists. In my head, that's Dolly Parton and Bonnie Raitt. Durn kids get off mah lawn rabble rabble.

I don't know how to feel about the fact that this post refers to Faith Hill and Shania Twain as the "older" country artists. In my head, that's Dolly Parton and Bonnie Raitt. Durn kids get off mah lawn rabble rabble.

Yeah. I thought that Kao Kaila Yang certainly won the emotional argument, but Krulwich is correct to point out that letting it all become about emotion and outrage is precisely the kind of reactionary stance that produces further horror.

Yeah. I thought that Kao Kaila Yang certainly won the emotional argument, but Krulwich is correct to point out that letting it all become about emotion and outrage is precisely the kind of reactionary stance that produces further horror.

It was extremely uncomfortable and heartbreaking, but, in my opinion, refreshingly honest and candid. Yes, the interviewees probably weren't adequately briefed about the reasons why Radiolab was contacting them, and Krulwich's manner of pressing the question was blinkered and more than a tad insensitive, but I

It was extremely uncomfortable and heartbreaking, but, in my opinion, refreshingly honest and candid. Yes, the interviewees probably weren't adequately briefed about the reasons why Radiolab was contacting them, and Krulwich's manner of pressing the question was blinkered and more than a tad insensitive, but I

Long ago, the Bluth family lived in peace, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

Long ago, the Bluth family lived in peace, but everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

I seem to remember that Kellie Martin was in a bunch of stuff back in the day and then she sort of dropped off the face of the earth. She probably had a limited range as an actress, but I liked her.

I seem to remember that Kellie Martin was in a bunch of stuff back in the day and then she sort of dropped off the face of the earth. She probably had a limited range as an actress, but I liked her.

Ha! You are so right now that I think about it. I remember her relationship with Gallant and how sweet and sad it was. I also loved her friendship with Abby. And that whole string of episodes where she tries to work at a convenience store as a fuck you to her parents. Something about her character was just so

Ha! You are so right now that I think about it. I remember her relationship with Gallant and how sweet and sad it was. I also loved her friendship with Abby. And that whole string of episodes where she tries to work at a convenience store as a fuck you to her parents. Something about her character was just so

Oh yeah! She was excellent. I also loved Gloria Reubens from the early years.

Oh yeah! She was excellent. I also loved Gloria Reubens from the early years.