
@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus It was the Congo. One of the episodes was called Kisangani, which is the capital of the DRC. And later on Pratt (and Carter?) goes to Darfur.

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus It was the Congo. One of the episodes was called Kisangani, which is the capital of the DRC. And later on Pratt (and Carter?) goes to Darfur.

I don't think anyone's mentioned Parminder Nagra's character here yet. I recognize that she came at a time when ER's plot antics were going off the rails, and her character tended to get caught up in some of the worst of it (Wasn't that dude who lost his legs in love with her? I was only watching sporadically at that

I don't think anyone's mentioned Parminder Nagra's character here yet. I recognize that she came at a time when ER's plot antics were going off the rails, and her character tended to get caught up in some of the worst of it (Wasn't that dude who lost his legs in love with her? I was only watching sporadically at that

I appreciated what they were trying to do with those episodes, showing a humanitarian crisis of biblical proportions in the context of a weekly television drama, but it did sort of feel like 1) an attempt to wring contrived drama from a terrible, real-life situation, and 2) a disservice to the characters. The whole

I appreciated what they were trying to do with those episodes, showing a humanitarian crisis of biblical proportions in the context of a weekly television drama, but it did sort of feel like 1) an attempt to wring contrived drama from a terrible, real-life situation, and 2) a disservice to the characters. The whole

It's amazing how many of the episodes listed above rank as some of the most vivid emotional experiences of my television viewing existence. I remember my initial reactions to "Love's Labor Lost" and "Such Sweet Sorrow" so well that I can picture where I was sitting at the time.

It's amazing how many of the episodes listed above rank as some of the most vivid emotional experiences of my television viewing existence. I remember my initial reactions to "Love's Labor Lost" and "Such Sweet Sorrow" so well that I can picture where I was sitting at the time.

Yep, this was appointment viewing (along with Friends) for me in college, but I pretty much stopped watching it after that. I remember watching the farewell to Dr. Greene episodes in my dorm with a bunch of friends and bawling like a child. Good times.

Yep, this was appointment viewing (along with Friends) for me in college, but I pretty much stopped watching it after that. I remember watching the farewell to Dr. Greene episodes in my dorm with a bunch of friends and bawling like a child. Good times.

Cool! Nothing can possibly go wrong with that, right guys?

Cool! Nothing can possibly go wrong with that, right guys?

If Zuko had extracted a promise from Aang to not let the Fire Nation backslide, you'd have a situation in which Aang has to consider making war on his friend and ally, and that doesn't really change the stakes or the plot significantly from what we have, but does make it make much more sense.
Precisely. I've been sort

If Zuko had extracted a promise from Aang to not let the Fire Nation backslide, you'd have a situation in which Aang has to consider making war on his friend and ally, and that doesn't really change the stakes or the plot significantly from what we have, but does make it make much more sense.
Precisely. I've been sort

Azula in a straitjacket was a deeply unsettling thing to see, and I'm not sure I like where that's going, as it seems to confirm the worst, most reductive interpretation of her character. I'm open to the idea that Azula is unhinged and that she was brought to the level of temporary hallucinatory psychosis by the

Azula in a straitjacket was a deeply unsettling thing to see, and I'm not sure I like where that's going, as it seems to confirm the worst, most reductive interpretation of her character. I'm open to the idea that Azula is unhinged and that she was brought to the level of temporary hallucinatory psychosis by the

Yeah, Tumblr becomes a fucking bloodbath anytime rumors like this appear. Just type "it has been confirmed" or "sources say" in the title of your post and say whatever the hell you want (basically the same reporting tactic as Fox News), and the kids will lose their shit.

Yeah, Tumblr becomes a fucking bloodbath anytime rumors like this appear. Just type "it has been confirmed" or "sources say" in the title of your post and say whatever the hell you want (basically the same reporting tactic as Fox News), and the kids will lose their shit.

@RegularGonzalez:disqus Yeah, I hate them too.

@RegularGonzalez:disqus Yeah, I hate them too.