
That plus the fact that virtually every man of color on this show (aside from Gomez) exists either to be menacing or to get killed or both.

That plus the fact that virtually every man of color on this show (aside from Gomez) exists either to be menacing or to get killed or both.

Just another reason why I sort of hate that whole plot line.

Just another reason why I sort of hate that whole plot line.

Magnets, amirite?

Magnets, amirite?



Could we get a few more people in here to correct this egregious error?

Could we get a few more people in here to correct this egregious error?

On Vince Gilligan's solo appearance on the Nerdist Writers Panel podcast, he talked about doing a spinoff with Saul (or at least a series with Bob Odenkirk playing a similar character) about a sleazy lawyer to does everything possible to avoid actually having to step into a courtroom. Sounds like a pretty amazing

On Vince Gilligan's solo appearance on the Nerdist Writers Panel podcast, he talked about doing a spinoff with Saul (or at least a series with Bob Odenkirk playing a similar character) about a sleazy lawyer to does everything possible to avoid actually having to step into a courtroom. Sounds like a pretty amazing

Yeah. Walt's moments of brilliance are almost always undercut by the sheer fact that they are made necessary due to an alarming lack of foresight.

Yeah. Walt's moments of brilliance are almost always undercut by the sheer fact that they are made necessary due to an alarming lack of foresight.

On the amount of time it takes to travel between New England and the Southwest:

On the amount of time it takes to travel between New England and the Southwest:

Speaking of "Hermanos," do we think we are ever going to find out what Don Eliado meant when he said, "I know who you are"? That seems like too big a thing to leave hanging, and I was surprised (and a tad disappointed) that we didn't find out more about Gus's background last season.

Speaking of "Hermanos," do we think we are ever going to find out what Don Eliado meant when he said, "I know who you are"? That seems like too big a thing to leave hanging, and I was surprised (and a tad disappointed) that we didn't find out more about Gus's background last season.

I was glad they abandoned the MacGyver hijinks from S1, but it was sort of fun to go back there for an episode. If anything, it reminds us how far the show has come.

I was glad they abandoned the MacGyver hijinks from S1, but it was sort of fun to go back there for an episode. If anything, it reminds us how far the show has come.