
Parachute counting aside, a TON of people died in the last three episodes, guys. We didn't see bodies, but it was very heavily implied.

Parachute counting aside, a TON of people died in the last three episodes, guys. We didn't see bodies, but it was very heavily implied.

Yes, the taboo on guns is feeling increasingly arbitrary in an episode that had three very small children tied up on a symbolic execution platform and a lot of implied suicide.

Yes, the taboo on guns is feeling increasingly arbitrary in an episode that had three very small children tied up on a symbolic execution platform and a lot of implied suicide.

Everyone is entitled to have their own subjective experience with a work of fiction, and other people having issues with the finale need not diminish your enjoyment of it. You're not "wrong" for liking it. Other people just brought different expectations and preferences, and while I think we can argue a bit here and

Everyone is entitled to have their own subjective experience with a work of fiction, and other people having issues with the finale need not diminish your enjoyment of it. You're not "wrong" for liking it. Other people just brought different expectations and preferences, and while I think we can argue a bit here and

"Running away from her problems" is also a valid interpretation, I think, and one that still allows you to also read her backing away from the edge as an emotional/spiritual breakthrough.

"Running away from her problems" is also a valid interpretation, I think, and one that still allows you to also read her backing away from the edge as an emotional/spiritual breakthrough.

@avclub-0e426c437145b137c301c8c34d0060a2:disqus  I know, I know, but we're talking about DEGREES of intensity here, man. There are some legit nutjobs on Tumblr and other sites right now.

@avclub-0e426c437145b137c301c8c34d0060a2:disqus  I know, I know, but we're talking about DEGREES of intensity here, man. There are some legit nutjobs on Tumblr and other sites right now.

I've said it before, but I'm just guessing that firebenders can modulate the intensity of their lightning bursts and that external factors (such as Sozin's Comet) can also effect its intensity. Mako was nearly incapacitated and barely managed to squeeze out that attack.

I've said it before, but I'm just guessing that firebenders can modulate the intensity of their lightning bursts and that external factors (such as Sozin's Comet) can also effect its intensity. Mako was nearly incapacitated and barely managed to squeeze out that attack.

Agreed. He was mostly a device for badassery. But damn was it fun.

Agreed. He was mostly a device for badassery. But damn was it fun.

Exactly @avclub-77a30f3aed77aef3d4ed12bf43df6964:disqus . Both of the episodes I mentioned were bottle episodes of sorts that slowed down the pace and shrunk the cast in order to do intense character work. Since Bryke seems committed to the tighter prestige-drama style storytelling, I hope they pick up on more of the

Exactly @avclub-77a30f3aed77aef3d4ed12bf43df6964:disqus . Both of the episodes I mentioned were bottle episodes of sorts that slowed down the pace and shrunk the cast in order to do intense character work. Since Bryke seems committed to the tighter prestige-drama style storytelling, I hope they pick up on more of the

@SwedishLore15:disqus  He's not yet a well developed character, but I feel like he's an established character. I know who he is, how he reacts to pressure, how he makes decisions, etc.

@SwedishLore15:disqus  He's not yet a well developed character, but I feel like he's an established character. I know who he is, how he reacts to pressure, how he makes decisions, etc.

You make a lot of sense here. Overall, I prefer the way this show avoided making moralistic one to one comparisons between the superpowered vs. non-superpowered conflict and issues in our world to the ham-fisted civil right allegories the X-Men films became.

You make a lot of sense here. Overall, I prefer the way this show avoided making moralistic one to one comparisons between the superpowered vs. non-superpowered conflict and issues in our world to the ham-fisted civil right allegories the X-Men films became.