
It destroyed Mad Men in ratings and beat Game of Thrones pretty soundly some weeks. Actually, it was the top scripted show on cable for several episodes.

It destroyed Mad Men in ratings and beat Game of Thrones pretty soundly some weeks. Actually, it was the top scripted show on cable for several episodes.

Yes, but as @avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus said last week, that would have sucked in its own way, as it would have sent the message that Korra can continue solving her problems with asskicking.

Yes, but as @avclub-7cbaf9384cf3835106bf2f444c0bcf65:disqus said last week, that would have sucked in its own way, as it would have sent the message that Korra can continue solving her problems with asskicking.

This comments section is the opposite of the Girls comments section, in other words. Way to go, guys! I totally thought a lot of you were ladies.

This comments section is the opposite of the Girls comments section, in other words. Way to go, guys! I totally thought a lot of you were ladies.

I actually think you are correct. At least, I don't think they knew when they wrote "Zuko Alone." That episode was all about how Zuko's experience and how it shapes the way he sees himself and the world around him. The gaps in his knowledge and his inability to fully comprehend what happened to him as a little kid are

I actually think you are correct. At least, I don't think they knew when they wrote "Zuko Alone." That episode was all about how Zuko's experience and how it shapes the way he sees himself and the world around him. The gaps in his knowledge and his inability to fully comprehend what happened to him as a little kid are

This is going to sound really hollow given my prolific presence on these threads, but IT'S A FUCKING TELEVISION SHOW.

This is going to sound really hollow given my prolific presence on these threads, but IT'S A FUCKING TELEVISION SHOW.

I've been trying to come up with the best way to say why I found the Amon and Tarrlok storyline so great, and you've come really close to saying what I was thinking. At bottom, Amon really did turn out to be a man who was fomenting revolution in order to cope with something horrifying that happened to him in his

I've been trying to come up with the best way to say why I found the Amon and Tarrlok storyline so great, and you've come really close to saying what I was thinking. At bottom, Amon really did turn out to be a man who was fomenting revolution in order to cope with something horrifying that happened to him in his

Sigh. While not devoid of problems, I thought this finale just had a ton of emotional and thematic payoff, exactly what I've come to expect from this franchise. In fact, I was going to stay away from the internet for a while, because I just don't have it in me to pick it apart that much, but like a moth to the flame,

Sigh. While not devoid of problems, I thought this finale just had a ton of emotional and thematic payoff, exactly what I've come to expect from this franchise. In fact, I was going to stay away from the internet for a while, because I just don't have it in me to pick it apart that much, but like a moth to the flame,

Agreed with @avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus and @avclub-e65076d21d4b718526e684473c359d55:disqus , but I'd add that Amon/Naowhatthefuck is also pretty clearly attracted to power, which he revealed in his budding supervillain speech to his father. But he's also a self-hating bender who is trying to work

Agreed with @avclub-c404a5adbf90e09631678b13b05d9d7a:disqus and @avclub-e65076d21d4b718526e684473c359d55:disqus , but I'd add that Amon/Naowhatthefuck is also pretty clearly attracted to power, which he revealed in his budding supervillain speech to his father. But he's also a self-hating bender who is trying to work

Sigh. I loved pro-bending. I really did. Maybe we didn't need 3 episodes devoted to it, but I thought it was important for establishing the character dynamics and was of a piece with the whole tradition vs. modernity theme.

Sigh. I loved pro-bending. I really did. Maybe we didn't need 3 episodes devoted to it, but I thought it was important for establishing the character dynamics and was of a piece with the whole tradition vs. modernity theme.

Bolin and Asami are a surprisingly awesome duo. I don't think I'm ready to board SS Bosami (Bolin just reads as too childish for me to buy him as a legit romantic interest for either girl, but I know I'm in the minority there), but Asami is a great straight man for his humor, and they apparently fight well together

Bolin and Asami are a surprisingly awesome duo. I don't think I'm ready to board SS Bosami (Bolin just reads as too childish for me to buy him as a legit romantic interest for either girl, but I know I'm in the minority there), but Asami is a great straight man for his humor, and they apparently fight well together