
@EmilyGuendelsberger:disqus And apparently, I'm also really fucking old!

@EmilyGuendelsberger:disqus And apparently, I'm also really fucking old!

@avclub-143816c28946e8294f0bd6353b88ec2d:disqus Ha! You have a good memory. But you are incorrect about my ethnicity. I've read too much Philip Roth I guess?

@avclub-143816c28946e8294f0bd6353b88ec2d:disqus Ha! You have a good memory. But you are incorrect about my ethnicity. I've read too much Philip Roth I guess?

Bolin's weird formality around authority figures is one of my favorite things about his character.

Bolin's weird formality around authority figures is one of my favorite things about his character.

I thought the final scenes were tremendously effective. I scoffed at everyone who said that Korra was going to get her bending taken away and was horrified when it actually happened. I completely bought her despair. I didn't need a running voiceover monologue to tell me that she felt her life was over. In fact, if the

I thought the final scenes were tremendously effective. I scoffed at everyone who said that Korra was going to get her bending taken away and was horrified when it actually happened. I completely bought her despair. I didn't need a running voiceover monologue to tell me that she felt her life was over. In fact, if the

Not to mention that he only resorted to bloodbending when he had a mad-as-fuck Avatar zeroing in for the kill. I didn't get a sense that he took real pleasure in using the technique, and all of his actions subsequent to that confrontation were desperate and haphazard.

Not to mention that he only resorted to bloodbending when he had a mad-as-fuck Avatar zeroing in for the kill. I didn't get a sense that he took real pleasure in using the technique, and all of his actions subsequent to that confrontation were desperate and haphazard.

1) I absolutely picked up on the implied suicidal ideation there, but it didn't even occur to me that she might do it in order to allow a new Avatar to be born. That's prett heavy shit.

1) I absolutely picked up on the implied suicidal ideation there, but it didn't even occur to me that she might do it in order to allow a new Avatar to be born. That's prett heavy shit.

Aang went from unable to bend earth to chucking rocks across a canyon in 20 minutes of screentime, whereas this took 11 episodes, so I don't feel like this is a valid complaint.

Aang went from unable to bend earth to chucking rocks across a canyon in 20 minutes of screentime, whereas this took 11 episodes, so I don't feel like this is a valid complaint.

My mouth was agape throughout that whole opening battle. It was like Pearl Harbor but good and with magic kung fu.

My mouth was agape throughout that whole opening battle. It was like Pearl Harbor but good and with magic kung fu.

2) Fully agreed. He looked quite a bit younger in this episode too.

2) Fully agreed. He looked quite a bit younger in this episode too.

'S'ok. I'm now realizing how distinctly in the minority I am.

'S'ok. I'm now realizing how distinctly in the minority I am.