
@avclub-143816c28946e8294f0bd6353b88ec2d:disqus  Yeah, I think you have a point there. I would argue that Lin's entire fighting style is some of the most imaginative stuff they've ever come up with. It's just so fucking cool. But it certainly does have a more grounded, less whimsical feel to it than, say, Aang making

@avclub-143816c28946e8294f0bd6353b88ec2d:disqus  Yeah, I think you have a point there. I would argue that Lin's entire fighting style is some of the most imaginative stuff they've ever come up with. It's just so fucking cool. But it certainly does have a more grounded, less whimsical feel to it than, say, Aang making

@avclub-5643089fc5312acca6e68376dca7ca81:disqus  @avclub-0fe01c8a5bcc308ca6bca874fd4caaab:disqus  Count me in as someone who loves  "The Beach."

@avclub-5643089fc5312acca6e68376dca7ca81:disqus  @avclub-0fe01c8a5bcc308ca6bca874fd4caaab:disqus  Count me in as someone who loves  "The Beach."

Good to know. I'm going to wait until the iTunes download is available, so I can catch it in HD. I think you're right about trying to think ahead of the show. I suspect this is also a by-product of being immersed in fan theories and therefore thinking you know what's coming.

Good to know. I'm going to wait until the iTunes download is available, so I can catch it in HD. I think you're right about trying to think ahead of the show. I suspect this is also a by-product of being immersed in fan theories and therefore thinking you know what's coming.

@avclub-0fe01c8a5bcc308ca6bca874fd4caaab:disqus sure. But it isn't used in combat.

@avclub-0fe01c8a5bcc308ca6bca874fd4caaab:disqus sure. But it isn't used in combat.

Yes, I agree. For what it's worth, the pacing problems are much, much less pronounced if you watch these episodes all together. I rewatched everything through episode 5 last week, and it felt a lot less rushed and more organic when taken as a "chunk." I think this is just going to be one of those series that works

Yes, I agree. For what it's worth, the pacing problems are much, much less pronounced if you watch these episodes all together. I rewatched everything through episode 5 last week, and it felt a lot less rushed and more organic when taken as a "chunk." I think this is just going to be one of those series that works

Gotcha. Like I said, I need to rewatch it (in higher quality).

Gotcha. Like I said, I need to rewatch it (in higher quality).

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus that too. I know, I know. 12 episodes this season. Can't do everything.

@avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus that too. I know, I know. 12 episodes this season. Can't do everything.

Wut? Korra fucking owned him and three other chi-blockers on that roof. Dude never even landed a blow. The only fight the Lieutenant has won has been against Bolin and Mako in Episode 3.

Wut? Korra fucking owned him and three other chi-blockers on that roof. Dude never even landed a blow. The only fight the Lieutenant has won has been against Bolin and Mako in Episode 3.

I love that the Tenzin/Lin backstory indicates just how much more messy the histories (and love lives) of these characters are.

I love that the Tenzin/Lin backstory indicates just how much more messy the histories (and love lives) of these characters are.

Yeah, I think Sato is a true believer, but his involvement gives the lie to Amon's "non-benders are oppressed across the board" argument.

Yeah, I think Sato is a true believer, but his involvement gives the lie to Amon's "non-benders are oppressed across the board" argument.