
All good reasons, but I think the larger one is that Bryke is trying to keep some stuff in the tank so that we'll be impressed later. Katara's octopus form didn't show up until the Book 2 finale.

All good reasons, but I think the larger one is that Bryke is trying to keep some stuff in the tank so that we'll be impressed later. Katara's octopus form didn't show up until the Book 2 finale.

That's my complaint about this episode. The only real sources of suspense were how much shit Korra was going to have to take until she was vindicated and which side Asami would ultimately come down on. And the latter felt like a foregone conclusion once we got a Korra/Asami brotimes scene on the race track.

That's my complaint about this episode. The only real sources of suspense were how much shit Korra was going to have to take until she was vindicated and which side Asami would ultimately come down on. And the latter felt like a foregone conclusion once we got a Korra/Asami brotimes scene on the race track.

I did the straight girl equivalent of a gay gasp there.

I did the straight girl equivalent of a gay gasp there.

Bolin/makeovers: 10/10

Bolin/makeovers: 10/10

This is one of those episodes I'm going to have to rewatch before I know how exactly to feel about it. The pace was even more blistering than "The Revelation," which already felt pretty rushed to me the first time through. And even though it sort of seems like we've been building to the Hiroshi reveal for a while, I

This is one of those episodes I'm going to have to rewatch before I know how exactly to feel about it. The pace was even more blistering than "The Revelation," which already felt pretty rushed to me the first time through. And even though it sort of seems like we've been building to the Hiroshi reveal for a while, I

So, did anyone catch the verb tense when Hiroshi told Lin that not even her mother could bend pure platinum? Some folks on Tumblr think it was "can," but I haven't gone back to check. If Toph turns out to be alive and then shows up at some point, it will make my fucking year.

So, did anyone catch the verb tense when Hiroshi told Lin that not even her mother could bend pure platinum? Some folks on Tumblr think it was "can," but I haven't gone back to check. If Toph turns out to be alive and then shows up at some point, it will make my fucking year.

@InterplanetJanet:disqus one of the frustrating and interesting aspects of Tenzin's character at the moment is that he clearly understands the risks of widening the social and political cleavage between benders and non-benders, he proposes no alternatives other than capitulation. I don't know yet whether that's a

I assume that she either ran out of water or that that particular technique becomes harder to sustain the further away you get from your water source. That was a massive vertical ascent.

The TV Guide description suggests you may be right:

Garak, I kind of jumped on your original post there, and I hope you didn't interpret my lack of response to YOUR response as a refusal to engage. I had just said my piece and just didn't want to dominate the thread. Just to reiterate, I think you have every right to come in here and state your problems with the show

Bill Rinaldi just posted on Tumblr that there will be a new episode this weekend, but next weekend will be a repeat because of Memorial Day.

I blame Fucking Hasook. Fucking Theon probably had something to do with it too.

Ok. WHAT the FUCK, iTunes? This episode STILL isn't available for download. I've watched it already, of course, but I want it in HD!!!!

That's somewhat of a relief.