
Look, I just wrote a post last night shitting all over the stuff that didn't work for me in the latest GoT episode, and that was clearly a minority opinion. You're free to say what you like, but people are going to challenge you on it, especially if you start insulting the taste and intelligence of people who enjoy

@avclub-0fe01c8a5bcc308ca6bca874fd4caaab:disqus Yep, it's on the wiki, and it's been quoted that way in numerous articles. Bill Rinaldi (one of the martial arts consultants) said he could "neither confirm or deny" that there would be more after Season 2.

@avclub-935f361fa2c753a8b94f28f3f94914cf:disqus because no one in the world of the show knows what the fuck is going on or what information will be important. Tarlokk invoked that event "42 years ago" to make a rhetorical point, but Tenzin clearly didn't think it was relevant. Korra's having visions, probably of

Some idiot on Tumblr was bitching about the fact that she couldn't launch herself out of the arena using the same technique Katara uses in Crossroads of Destiny, forgetting, apparently, that Korra had several hundred more feet of vertical distance to cover.

A point of clarification: Aang can't actually cover great distances purely on his own steam. He needs a glider in order to really fly, and I'm pretty sure even he wouldn't have been able to get out of the arena without it. We're talking several hundred vertical feet here.

Oh my god. That is excellent.

Yep. I cheered.

Except I seem to remember that he did discuss it with them. He openly flaunts it with Brienne in Book 3 at least.

That does seem like a strong possibility. I wonder if Jon is going to get captured and then the wildlings will come upon Qhorin, and Jon will be given the opportunity to kill Qhorin as a show of loyalty. That still doesn't seem as good as what happens in the novel, but we've got 3 episodes to go still. Who knows.

Yes, even though she's a little bit too pretty and it was weird to hear someone so fresh-faced calling Jon "boy," Rose Leslie is killing it in that role.

Yep. Exactly.

I'm, uh, not loving it right now? This feels like a more circuitous route to the same destination: the House of the Undying. I understand that Dany needs more to do since her arc is so slight in CoK, but I just can't bring myself to care about what's happening in Qarth.


@avclub-e14267dedd4e1d0cc0093bc13643fd59:disqus absolutely. Again, though, trope subversion for it's own sake isn't really a good thing unless provide some narrative momentum and compelling emotional reasons for that to happen. And I think there's an argument to be made that Bolin is that compelling emotional reason,

This is a really interesting insight. LoK is shaping up to be more like a mystery than a straightforward adventure narrative like TLA. We're offered pieces of a much larger puzzle rather than getting the entire scope of the conflict all at the outset. I don't think one approach is necessarily better than the other,

I'm not ready to pronounce LoK the best thing on TV yet, as it has been an INSANELY strong year for television in general so far. Mad Men is arguably the best its ever been. Game of Thrones is blowing my fucking mind with how it's getting me to sympathize with Fucking Theon and OMG TYWIN AND ARYA I CAN'T EVEN.

@avclub-e65076d21d4b718526e684473c359d55:disqus it is a little bit ablist, as many people born with a "disability" do not consider their lack to be a problem or a tragedy, but it's a difficult mindset to wrap your head around if you are able-bodied.

12 and 14, actually, with an option for more.

I can get on board with your problems with the word "objective," except for that fact that you yourself have come in here week after week making some pretty cut-and-dried pronouncements about the quality of the show as if they reflected a, yes, objective view of the matter rather than an artifact of your unique,

I am married to a man of Japanese descent. His beard comes in tinted with red. No lie.