
50 hours of movies sounds daunting but I don't buy the premise: Civil War was thoroughly enjoyed by lots of people who didn't do the "homework" of watching earlier films. And many TV shows transitioned to serialized forms of storytelling that have many more hours of commitment. Binge-watching is a thing. The key to

Jesus Christ. Is this a movie review or an undergrad psych essay? C-

This review seems to dismiss the show based solely on the pilot, rather than simply critiquing the pilot. You'd think AVClub reviewers would know better.

Expensive movies aren't movies, they're "commodities"… Hahaha. What pretentious douchebags.

Best of episode of the last 3 seasons.

"… letting Nygma step in and be the knight in shining armor that dispatches her abuser."

I was all ready to write "Needs more River from Serenity" but there it was. Great job, Internet.

Jesus Christ. These reviews are 1,000 times more tedious than the reviewer thinks the show is.

Oh YAWN. Every week the same complaints. The "tone" of the show works - it's a blend of horror, '70s pulp, comedy and yes, comic-book cheese.

The movie has been mathematically proven to suck. Just like two plus two equals fuck you.

I know the difference, and no, I did not.

I know the difference and no, I did not.

An objectively terrible film, even if you hate W.

"it’s unclear how the show is going to be able to sustain the (very) slight momentum this episode built."

During a massive snow storm the kids are trapped inside the school.
Marge: "Oh no! How will the kids get home"
Homer: "I dunno, Internet?"

Careful. Getting wet sounds like a "regressive gender role"….

Thank you. +a million.

Seriously, this is a dumb article. He didn't kill anyone, and the Batmobile has often been depicted with missles and guns as part of its arsenal.

This is a silly article. For one thing, Skye has become a full-fledged agent, so bad example. But as for Felicity, she's on a show with a metric ton of kick-ass women, as the piece mentions. What's wrong with Felicity's tech skills being her primary contribution other than the author thinks this is "lowly"? She's also

Uhh… never thought I'd see the firsts season of Dollhouse hailed in this way. Bizarre.