Most streamed show on Amazon Prime. Highly regarded by critics (other than AV Club) for the world building and visuals.
Most streamed show on Amazon Prime. Highly regarded by critics (other than AV Club) for the world building and visuals.
Yeah, I never felt any strong love between Frank and Juliana - Frank would have been better off getting on that bus with Ed and heading to the neutral zone, starting over.
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the film. At first, I thought the films depicted the true reality. Seeing Frank and Joe in the film is…weird…does TMITHC know they are players in this story and did he do some kind of splicing technique to put their faces in the film? Please don't tell me they're ancestors of…
I really liked the way they used John Smith's son's degenerative disorder to not only remind us how the Reich treats people with disabilities but also presents a tough moral choice for Smith to make. I was concerned for the doctor when Smith started to angrily insist that his son is healthy - killing the doctor would…
The reveal of Trudy's body in the mass grave, as horrific as that was, would have been more impactful if there had been some ambiguity about her death. We already knew Trudy was dead, so I didn't get the point of Juliana "seeing" her, especially at this point in the series.
I didn't like this episode.
Actually, that act makes me a little less sad that Arya's gonna kill him.
My only complaint of show Stannis is how last season he was "let's go help the Night's Watch" and now he's back to "I am the rightful king!" At least the Iron Bank story has me intrigued, though I fully expect Stannis to Tyrion slap Davos when he finds out Davos signed that letter in his name.
I wish they'd cast the new actor from the beginning, though. I wonder how many newbies were confused when he showed up claiming to be Daario. Especially since he looks nothing like the old actor.
And his teeny-tiny shirts. GRRM sure loved to point that out in the descriptions.
Very happy about the Helix renewal. No, it's not anywhere near the level of BSG, but it's damn fun.
I don't know what anyone expects from this show. It's a show where we watch characters go from point A to point B, encountering zombies along the way. From what I understand, there is no plan to find a cure/place free of zombies, so it's just going to be more of the same with the occasional *shockers* of killing off…
Woo, loved it. Looks-wise, it reminded me of Fringe's 5th season, with the rainy, China-town setting.
-I liked the scene between Monroe and Rosa Lee at the restaurant. It's refreshing to have two characters love each other and admit it (instead of "oh, I think we should take it slow…")
-I was getting a little tired of Nick beating himself up over accidentally killing that man. Having Renard be the one to set him…
Wikipedia comes in very handy when you're behind on a TV show ;) Some of it I'm still figuring out (i.e., the Royals), but I get the gist of what's going on with the main characters.
This is my most anticipated show. I love futuristic stories. And I really love robots. Karl Urban and Michael Ealy are icing on top.
For me, I was very disappointed by the Fringe pilot. The best thing going for it were the special effects. I thought the attempts at humor were a big issue. It wasn't until season 2 or 3 that I decided to go back and watch from the beginning.
The first time I watched episode 1, I figured the serial killer was just stabbing Lucy repeatedly. In episode 2, when we find out he was actually eating her stomach and "trying to eat her liver" I was so freaked out. Also, the title sequence, where it shows him pop up in the tunnel is freaky. Whoever the actor is,…
Aside from the pilot, I hadn't seen any episodes before the season 3 premier. Comparing the two episodes, it's amazing how different this show feels. The central characters all work well together and are likable. There's a good balance of freaky and funny. Plus, it is nice to see Sasha Roiz in a regular TV role. Yum!
I think you can buy episodes on iTunes after they air on Sundance. That's what the commercial after the episode said.