The Alf Pog Collector

Stupid Flanders need the most attention.

they should call it ROUND-tine

that clip at the bottom was great and now I feel both happy at having watched it and sad because why did Happy Endings die

Any of y'all read Anathem by Neal Stephenson?

to make it pop culture-related, here is a gif of the Tim&Eric space segment:

remember their horror at Trump's "grab em by the pussy" quote because they noted the fact that they had daughters?

let's all hope Hurricane Tammy is restricted to just parts of Indiana, and doesn't spread to the rest of the nation

Cthulhu has awoken

Because it's incredibly convenient and inexpensive

tell Paul Ryan Congress is about as competent as this

looks like another month of borrowing old Wes Anderson and Denis Villeneuve movies from the local library for me!!

so a Pop Tart is a sandwich then, eh?


just because not ALL female sci fi characters are playing this specific role does not mean that it's not a troubling trope. There were tons of examples of it in the video


I've been working my way through the 100 Years of Best American Short Stories, and I've really been enjoying it

Young Pope and that's about it

what if the entire 2016 presidential campaign and election was Nathan For You, Season 3?

humblebrag, geez

I'll blame disqus, I suppose :)