
Bitchin' Bout Blais now makes me excited to see him as a judge. I feel like this is the opposite desired effect…
I'd rather have, say, Hung from Season Three come in and judge. Also kind of an arrogant prick, but a lot more fun than Blais.

I don't think it's a Black Widow reference, I think it's a reference to the pose on the cover of Hawkeye and Mockingbird #1.

I enjoy that these reviews are more recaps with a humorous feel. I like having a place to read about the show, but I don't know that there is much to review on a reality show week-to-week. Long way of saying, glad you're here, Libby, enjoying your stuff!

7 seasons is a solid run so I'm not complaining, but do we know for sure next year is the last one?

I always thought Kristen Bell for Mockingbird, but she's a little young for Renner, right? Anna Torv? Yvonne Strahovski? Tricia Helfer?

If you look at Leda in mythology, she gave birth to two sets of twins, one male (Castor and Pollux) and one female (Helen and Clytemnestra). In both sets, one was mortal and one was immortal. Just an observation.

According to EW, Susanna Thompson improvised that "Close your eyes, baby!" line. All the props to her for that. It was wrenching.

I think Charisma Carpenter made huge leaps from S1 of Buffy to the end of her run on Angel. She could barely sell a sentence in the beginning. She's always my gold standard for "Most Improved" but I think Amell is giving her a run for her money. I just don't think he was as bad in S1 as she was…less growth needed.

I think it's Moonstone who controlled Blackout, right, not Moondragon?

Am I the only one who thought that Emmett was carrying on a romantic relationship with Fred. Fred's reaction seemed a little too emotional and his Playboy had no naked women.
Then it kind of resonates with Philip and Martha, casting Fred as Emmet's Martha substitute.
Or maybe they were just buddies.

Nope. Can't stand him.

Nice Mockingbird shout-out, Oliver. I'll give the show credit for making me think she might actually be appearing once Simmons took a nose dive off the plane. Then I noticed there was still 15 minutes left :-)

I'm not as up on DC trivia as I am on Marvel trivia…was Black Canary ever a stick fighter (I'm sure there's a much cooler term for that) in the comics? I thought she was just a martial artist. Her Marvel analogue, Mockingbird, fights with sticks (staves? batons? clubs?)…just wondering if that's a purposeful

Good point.

Any other comic book geeks out there wondering if the female half of Fitz-Simmons is marked for death, since Bobbi Morse was a SHIELD biochemist in the comics?

I had this weird thought last night that Lissa was the commenter.  How focused she was earlier in the season on being Jenna's friend seemed to line up with how blindly supportive the commenter is of Jenna's sometimes questionable actions.

I had this weird thought last night that Lissa was the commenter.  How focused she was earlier in the season on being Jenna's friend seemed to line up with how blindly supportive the commenter is of Jenna's sometimes questionable actions.

I thought "Big Love" hair was a direct comment on Jenna's usual braid-over-one-shoulder.  Nicki and all the compound women always wore their hair like that.

I thought "Big Love" hair was a direct comment on Jenna's usual braid-over-one-shoulder.  Nicki and all the compound women always wore their hair like that.

Not sure if anyone answered that War Horse question, but nope, that's not the actual theatre.  War Horse plays at Lincoln Center, Ivy was walking in Times Square, somewhere in the mid-40's.  The War Horse poster was just an ad.