
Any chance of it pulling something like "The Good Wife," which had a few weeks of really procedural stuff and then spun into something much more?  I watched the pilot on NBC.com, and I'm really sad to hear that it becomes generic.

Best part of the episode was reading this recap and seeing Oliver point out the West Coast Avengers comic in the background.  Takes me back…Lost in Space Time!!

The rush of gay-and-lesbian-characters-taking-over-television of the late 1990s?

Anyone else notice the moment with Jane at her desk when she was cleaning her keyboard with a Q-tip rather than actually working?

I think Colette might be suffering from ABC's rescheduling as well, right?  Last week's episode was supposed to be the second one, but got moved around…which means this one should have come right after two episodes where Colette and Dean were starting to have a flirtation.  I think they were trying to have her be

Nurse Jackie
Not saying that this means Edie Falco deserved a comedy award, but Akalitus tasering herself in the elevator is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Gina Torres
Before I post this, allow me to say that I think Gina Torres is one of the most criminally under-used actresses around. Part of the reason I started watching this show was for the pleasure of seeing her every week. However…I just feel like the show is letting her down with this character. Half the time

Okay, I guess I interpreted the "dark horse" comment as more of a compliment. Like "no one knows who you are (cause we didn't show any clips of you), but I think you have a shot at doing really well." Maybe I'm just biased against the "aw, shucks" attitude…something about it makes my teeth itch.

Can anyone explain…
Why Robert's mugging for the camera is annoying and Kent's mugging for the camera is cute? His breathless conversation with Cat last night about how he couldn't help making "the face" struck me as totally annoying and fake. At least Robert has the excuse of possibly actually being surprised at