
Agreed, but since they're the ones that the showrunner for this has in his stable, I figured he felt more latitude to let them grow/change. Agreed that the other ones seemed a bit trapped in amber, but maybe that was him trying to respect the other showrunners?

I made the exact same comment yesterday about his face. How has no director said to him that the face you think is angry and intimidating makes it look like you have gas? He should never make that face on camera.

Nice profile pic!

For the sake of ratings, may I suggest a Jay Ellis work-out scene every week?

Well since Andrew Garfield is gay now, his quote will doubtless suffer for it. *eyeroll*

How do you spell freedom?
U! S! A!

This seems like there really should be a CW versus Everyone Else bracket.

I feel like most people are lukewarm on the Mikey-Titus relationship, but just seeing Mikey again put a gigantic smile on my face. I love them together.

Maya Rudolph referring to a "Katherine Perry concert" was just perfect.

Random: was anyone able to catch the song being played as a piano instrumental during the first reception scene? Was it Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow? Or was it not a known song at all and this is making me nuts for no good reason?

I think there might be a loophole since JtV is network and The Tick is streaming? Not sure, but I feel like I read that somewhere.

Zach Roerig?

Reggie is being recast since the original actor is on 13 Reasons Why…could explain at least partially why he never showed up in the back half.

Great news but I'm guessing the budget cuts mean still no return of Bobbi. The show's been legitimately fantastic this year…I just miss her, okay?

Great episode. Devastating.

Fabian's the guy who played Carrie like a bass and gave her the best sex of her life, maybe?

Automatic A for Rogelio-as-Charlotte.

Well, my apartment was very dusty at the end of this episode. Man, I love Major. Still holding out hope that he'll eventually come back to himself.

"We're in the money!
We're in the money!
And at the wedding I will wear a dress of gold!"

I'm kinda surprised at all the negative feelings for Alexis amongst the commentariat. Agreed that her Untucked meltdown was not a great look, but her performance skills are undeniable and she's giving some of the better talking heads this season (props for the read about Cynthia only being able to do Cynthia). She