

Can anyone help me with what Stan and Aderholt are grooming Sofia to do? I keep thinking that it's going to become clear, but it's been long enough now that I feel like I missed or forgot something…

I love that CT quote. It's a great way to exit pretentious conversations.

We can manifest this through visualization, right?

Fabian had lines? I must have been distracted by something else while he was onscreen…

Avengers: Secret Wars

Love that idea since it means more Andrea Savage as well.

Are we not getting any Sue this season?

Download the Ham Horn app, and hear "HAYUM!" whenever you want!

He needs to be working more, he's fantastic.

I want there to be someway for teenage girl Major to interact with sorority girl Victor from Dollhouse. It would be superb if they wound up kissing.


I really love this show, but wish they would can Marcus. I realize that Hollywood is all about who you know, but hiring Ike Barinholtz's brother to essentially play Morgan from The Mindy Project on a different show irritates the fuck out of me for some reason.

That was the same girl from Grandfathered. It was making me nuts last night and I paused the credits so I could cross reference.

I completely agree…the entire protest just didn't make sense. They were claiming that gay men have no place in theater? What? It would have been improved by just making the musical one with some gay content, like La Cage aux Folles, and having them protest the production and not the people in it.

Since we're on the subject…is anyone else uncomfortably attracted to Sheriff Keller? No? Just me?

Fair enough. Didn't think of that angle…he's still way too old for the role, though.

Not that I want a deep discussion of Abigail's secret project, which was deeply disturbing, but…how would that even be legal? I thought it was weird that no adult was bringing that up as a point of argument.

I realize only my fellow musical theater geeks will share this frustration, but I do not understand why the writers chose 1776 as the musical being presented (particularly given where the story line goes later in the season). It's also weird how they don't seem to understand how theater happens.

This was a lot of fun, but it was a distant second in musical episodes aired last night to Teachers: The Musical. The voices there aren't as good/trained, but it held together much better. I strongly recommend other musical theatre geeks watch it.