
Why not have MJ played by MJ? Forget the guy with the middle initial, MJ was great in Space Jam. 

I watched it on MSNBC and I totally agree. When that fat Italian guy first kissed his bowstring, I knew I was home. And the thing they're doing is legitimately amazing. When they'd cut to the full shot of the archers firing the full 50m (or however long it is), and you could see the arrows doing their parabolas and

I watched it on MSNBC and I totally agree. When that fat Italian guy first kissed his bowstring, I knew I was home. And the thing they're doing is legitimately amazing. When they'd cut to the full shot of the archers firing the full 50m (or however long it is), and you could see the arrows doing their parabolas and

For a brief micro-second, I hoped this headline meant that we were going to get some more
John Turturro in a purple jumpsuit. So now AHS is disappointing me before their season's even begun!

For a brief micro-second, I hoped this headline meant that we were going to get some more
John Turturro in a purple jumpsuit. So now AHS is disappointing me before their season's even begun!

Seems to me that PC games are a little under represented on this list too. Only two games, assuming you count Space Invaders as an arcade game and Tetris as a Gameboy one? What about Civ 2, which I hear that many count as the greatest game of all time?

Seems to me that PC games are a little under represented on this list too. Only two games, assuming you count Space Invaders as an arcade game and Tetris as a Gameboy one? What about Civ 2, which I hear that many count as the greatest game of all time?

My eight-month-old niece, who is usually pretty meh about TV, can't stop watching this show. I think the flashing light background must be quasihypnotic. 

My eight-month-old niece, who is usually pretty meh about TV, can't stop watching this show. I think the flashing light background must be quasihypnotic. 

See, they have the Golden Arches, we have the Golden Arcs.

See, they have the Golden Arches, we have the Golden Arcs.

As glad as I was to see the Impala again, it really drove home how badly that era of muscle car was at going around corners. 

As glad as I was to see the Impala again, it really drove home how badly that era of muscle car was at going around corners. 

I was rooting for Karen because every little smidgen of fame that Katherine McPhee gets today just makes it that much more likely that when everybody's forgotten about her five years from now, she'll get (and take) an offer from Hugh Hefner to pose in Playboy. I've always been one for the long view.

I figured the boop was a Dogma reference. It's what Alanis Morrisette as God does and says to….Jay? Silent Bob? I don't remember who. One of the good guys, anyway.

You're not really missing all that much in Dead End. It's not a bad movie, but it's also not a good one. If it had starred anybody but Bogie, nobody would remember it.

Reading this article made me realize that I watch exactly one show on ABC: "Shark Tank". It's amazing that there can be an entire network without any programs worth caring about.

Next week there'll probably be a five minute plotline where one of the kids goes to the hospital because of the Visine, but then miraculously recovers just in time to win Regionals or Sectionals or Nationals or whatever the hell competition they're going to be in.

I very honestly can't decide if the dinosaur head dance number was the most awesome thing to ever be on TV or the most terrifying. 

He'd probably dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. You should ask him and see.