beer goggles

This is how we eat it.

So… Odd Future gets the nay while Kayne gets the okay? I see that dude who ironically likes Skrewdriver on your team is really messing with your staff!

So this is how it feels like to enjoy joke rap. They're not The Lonely Island or that honky rapping about college, but as part of their demographic they appeal to me. Sign me up, Scion.

This movie was one of the better po-mo neo exploitaion films to have come out. Hobo with a Shotgun? Meh. But the actors in this film were fun. Give it time, ya guys.

Don't stay with the middle of the road, safe indie bands. The Thermals is a good call, change it up for this line up! I enjoy the SXSW shows you put on, but more energy please.

Bob Murawski
Needs to get his shit together and release more titles on his Grindhouse Releasing DVD label.

Wouldn't it been that Larry "Got Jewed" instead of "Sweded" with the lawyer? Come on, now!

To this day, a 30 year old can gladly scream "I Hate Bologna !" to verbalize my disdain for that sandwich meat and make a reference to Rocko's Modern Life.

Hope its not as mellow as the first one. Less Heroin, guys….

Ah, White people have it so easy.

I'm telling you… women are the devil. But then again, hail satan. Catch 22?

The reason for that is because his Grandmother was Mexican. It's tough out there for us, and we need to work in an unstable environment. From dumb boner sex comedy to coming of age Brit tales, we need to do jobs and be versatile… even in film.

"Don't call Japanese Hardcore Jap-core" was a pretty funny title. I was scared of seeing them live… why? Because of the crowd.

Always with the Odd Future, eh AV Club? Guess the Rolling Stones were right… What a drag it is getting old.

To be honest, the early releases were. Generation and Police are two singles that showcase that early sound. I'm glad they branched off in sound.

Photo's a screen grab from the Argento film "Deep Red" though.
That video is a sad cry for attention. So's posting on message boards. Catch-22.

OFWGKTA is the audio equivalent of 4chan.

Brown people can't get a decent break… even in horrible stereotype-ridden sitcoms. Half those actors don't speak with accents. Oh, Hollywood… will you ever learn?

I meant in the realm of these neo-new exploitation films. Who cares, though. I wasn't mentioning shaking spears. That's racist.

Being the 5th of May, I think a quote from a comic drawn by Gilbert Hernandez of Love and Rockets fame is quite appropriate here: "Fuck Postmodernism. Or Fuck Post-Postmodernism." I like a film when its played straight and not "nudge-nudge, wink wink" or trying to be "meta" for the sake of whateverthefuckness.