beer goggles

Ah, SNICK. All That had its theme sung by TLC. Who can forget Nickelodeon's Stick Stickly? Goddamn, I'll be 30 soon. Logan's Run really fucked me in the head by thinking of age and aging. We're obsolete!

More Skafilte Fish, please. And more Grinders.

Dear Jason Heller,
you remind me of these punk kids that I once met in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I was the only non-White/Aryan there. They played Johnny Rebel in their car, but between each song professed that they were not racist, they're just being silly and ironic. It was an odd ride. RAHOWA HA HA?

I agree with senor caballero. The film is great but the ending is pandering to the audience. And breaking the fourth wall? No me gusta. Heston can eat a dick, though.

I liked it… but then again I'm Mexican.

Bromos, they somewhat did do one. It looks horrible.

"Put yo weight on it, put yo weight on it!" Dolemite vs. Black Dynamite in cartoon form please.

When people ask me in the future why I killed those kids, I'll just say: "It wasn't sexual. God, no. They deserved to die because they were wearing 'Fred' merchandise."

Word is on the street that it's an homage to daddy's awesome rape scene in "Death Wish 2" and that's classy.

Ha ha! Who says they don't make exploitation films anymore? Faded actress working on a bad movie. I bet you they'll not show the dog loop infamy she was known for. The script's language? Gold. Wonder if LiLo will autograph my Linda Lovelace paperbacks…

The only way I heard "God Hates The World" was by hearing a band called 'Fag Enablers' and I'm not kidding. They used the song as an outro to their tape. Needless to say, I never want to hear them again. The Phelps family should pull an Ian Stewart and crash and die.

I hate the goddamn queer rabbit.

Fuck art, let's dance! Korine's just alright with me. But what do I know?

1981. I first recall picking up 'The Onion" and "Lumpen" back in Chicago, when they were gentrifying the area I lived in. Ha ha ha, crazy memories, chubies.

What is a Juggalo?
I knew some scummy guy who was down with the clown, and played the music incessantly. Worse than the time I was beaten by the klan, let me tell you. All we need is dudes dressing up like them ironically, and we're set. Or are we? And they have a song that sheds some light on the whole mythos of the

Guerito, no te entiendo. No mames. Ay, que sueno tengo. To quote Slow Poke Rodriguez, I so sleepy….

Endless Blockade for the Pussyfooter. "A bunch of fucked up people, man."

Is 'Post-Apocalyptic' is the new Vampire/Zombie trend?
If so, when'll Nazisploitation go mainstream?

Sup, Bucket Bros.! BRAH!

On behalf on Mexicans everywhere, not chicanos (Mexican-American) dudes… We apologize for George Lopez. And you're welcome for the hip flannel resurrection, way past grunge. No homo.