beer goggles

B-, huh? What would Terry Bogard say other than "Are you okay?"

"Shrim" is my new safe word.

Don't you mean "Flat Top Tony and the Purple Canoes?"

I enjoy being irritated by pop culture commentary and reviews. It's domestic abuse for the eyes!

The only Fishbone song I'm familiar with and really like is "Sunless Saturday" but need to catch up with their older albums.

The opening scene when they're dragging the dog is cruel enough. I had to shut it off at the request of my gal pal during the credits. The real offenders in the Jacopetti and Prosperi filmography are "Africa Blood and Guts" and "Goodbye, Uncle Tom" which are far more offensive than the previous mondo films or anything

@avclub-416611a36ca595282eccf8ca9ba010ec:disqus Thank you! I am out of touch.

The movie was great for one single reason. I caught it opening weekend in Austin and the audience was treated to Edgar Wright introducing the film and giving everyone a high-five for coming out. He could go on to film pedo-snuff for all I care and I'd still think well of him for thanking the audience and high-fiving

I meant to be the Bagger Vance of bike riders everywhere, yelling words of encouragement to those whom peddle to and fro.

Rob Schneider already gives Filipino Jews a bad name. Shame we're next on his to ethnicity to ridicule list. Schneider's List?

Isn't the "BOMP! BOMP!" music and the show's theme done by the New York band The Virgins? It sound a bit like their song "Rich Girls." The band poised to be the next Strokes that never were…

Agreed. It was great and linear in its obtuse manner. The PFFR output that was really alienating was Final Flesh. It was great seeing Leo Fitzpatrick again after he showed up on 'Totally 4 Teens' and Patton's character and his "Hawt Dawg!" was funny. Nice they brought that back at the end.

The perfect onomatopoeia for this is "blurgh."

Not sharing Doritos with someone is a hate crime towards taste buds.

As long as it's not Julie Klausner writing another book, I'm for it. Mindy's quite a cute, fun and silly gal. Her book is as well.

I was hoping they filmed a TV movie of the "Shaft Among the Jews" novel. No Anti-Semite, yo.

Up next: The August Underground series. Shitty faux found footage snuff films, brah! Wear your favorite (ironic) Black Metal band tee and let the masturbation begin. In a Glass Cage is way better than A Serbian Film could ever hope to do. Over the top fake baby fucking notwithstanding.

The Critic complete series DVD is one title I will never sell or trade for mere credit at a record store. I agree with @avclub-3ceebd97be4d15313b9ffff365b2bec3:disqus, quite excited at this. Hachi machi!

The Decline of Western Civilization IV: Child Support Gutter Punx

The RZA will just be fucking up the tracks like the Fist of the White Lotus. Speaking of which, when is his kung-fu movie going to come out?