
I sewed my boyfriend a Finn hat for his last birthday, and I didn't want to take it off so I could give it to him.  That hat is iconic and warm.  Get with it, AVC.

I never saw anyone do much with them, but apparently it's possible to have an actual level of fingerboarding skill: http://www.carlosbaena.com/…

The first Sing-A-Ma-Jig I encountered was a Minnie Mouse, laying on the floor in the electronics department of Target.  I had no idea what I was looking at, but it's great to know they're more than passively unsettling.  Holy shit.

Maybe not moments of the episode, but there are two things I laugh at every time that haven't been mentioned yet - Abed's reaction when Mr. Rad starts singing at him, and Jeff slapping the mistletoe out of Annie's hand.

I've been waiting for this to be posted, and now I can't get past the title screen for the ad.

Yes!  Crispy Critters!  That's definitely (indubitably?) the same year.

Hah!  Well, my Guatemalan nephew is getting an awesome addition to his present this year.

"Is nothing sacred?"

A friend bought me the DVD version when they were more widely available.  gcsilmoldor is right, that version's been cut to hell.  The entire bit with Fozzie and the snowman's act is gone.  I'm actually in the process of copying my Christmas tape with the original airing to DVD as we speak - I might put it up on

I first heard "Christmas Shoes" in a thread under The Hater.  The AV Club is a plague vector.

"Good King Wenceslas" is awesome.  I always think of it in Gonzo's voice, but that's fine.

Me too.  It gives me flashbacks of working Black Friday at Toys R Us, who had the fucking thing on high rotation.  I start slipping into berserker rage if it's playing and I'm unable to turn it off.

Me too.  This was the first movie I went to see by myself (I was 17) because I was intrigued but didn't want to get blamed if it sucked.  It's still one of my favorite things Edward Norton has done.

As a current resident of Cleveland Heights (Coventry), I'll contribute as well.  And I'll go draw a comic as soon as it's done.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too.

I went to high school with Josh.  Not too sure why it's changed, but "McKinley" didn't used to be his last name.


Was that not in the list before?  It's #2 now.

They sang "Just One Person" at the memorial service, too.  I cried when I was six just reading a description of the memorial.  I still tear up when I see this.