
Out of curiosity, which suburban Cleveland Denny's was that?

Stay out of Iowa, though.

That was the only CD my first college roommate owned. (The only movie she owned was K-Pax.)

As long as breakfast isn't a Vegemite sandwich, I'm for it.

Hey now, the question didn't require that the rhyme be song-ruining. It came to mind first because it's in a great song I know all the words to. It's still an awful rhyme, though.

Land Down Under
I met a strange lady, she made me nervous
She took me in and gave me breakfast

Spike Jones did a version of it, but Der Fuehrer's Face is by Oliver Wallace. This is from the newsletter sent to Disney employees involved in the war effort (Dispatch from Disney's): http://tinypic.com/r/2vtp2c2/7


I know someone who's working on that, so I pretty much have to see it. The animation will be fine, at the very least. Maybe he won't ask what I thought of the story…

Universal produced Despicable Me, but it was made in Mac Guff 's Paris studio. Mac Guff's been around for a while, but they mostly stay in Europe.

Dumbledore, "trans" actually is acceptable and widely in use. Plus it's a syllable shorter.

Jordan's still there. He had a staring contest with their webcam last week.

I watched the whole thing this morning and he did slip pretty much completely out of character for Rep. Chu's question. He just had a good, serious answer for it.

That slot machine thing is exactly right.

BODIES… The Exhibition is the bigger problem with that. Their bodies come from China with no donor consent.

Junior, "butthurt" happened several years ago.

I knew no less than five forensics majors in my first two years of college. I always wonder what those people are doing now.

I'm actually tempted to see it based on that synopsis alone.

Good luck, Amelie! As this massive column of comments has noted, you'll be missed.

That second one.