
I'd say a B is about right.  I watched a pirated version with incredibly wonky subtitles (my friend animated the sharks and I'd been curious for months) and it was interesting enough that I'll definitely pay to see it again.

@avclub-985d212e6afdce1ea7dc206c8d1963a1:disqus , I had the same problem at Wreck-It Ralph.  Some kind of maddening carnival bullshit kept going off several rows ahead of me.  About halfway through the movie I realized it was a kid with those shoes putting her feet on the seat in front of her.

@avclub-985d212e6afdce1ea7dc206c8d1963a1:disqus , I had the same problem at Wreck-It Ralph.  Some kind of maddening carnival bullshit kept going off several rows ahead of me.  About halfway through the movie I realized it was a kid with those shoes putting her feet on the seat in front of her.

Rocko's Modern Life, "Who Gives a Buck?"

Rocko's Modern Life, "Who Gives a Buck?"

Yeah, my first thought was some WMMS morning zoo incarnation that cycled through while I wasn't paying attention.  I guess it could be Lanigan, Webster, and Malone, but I don't know if there are two other guys in there.

Yeah, my first thought was some WMMS morning zoo incarnation that cycled through while I wasn't paying attention.  I guess it could be Lanigan, Webster, and Malone, but I don't know if there are two other guys in there.

I loved that.  Half of the episode's commentary is chaos.  Don't they come in to ask for some cement?

Baron Harkonnen.

Your second one is the first thing I thought of, and I think it tops my list.  Gore and camerawork don't make me physically ill, but I'm put off my Skittles just thinking about the antics in that scene.

Only the full-body muppets, like Sweetums and the Gorgs.

Holy shit.  I haven't been in here since I posted on page 3 or 4.  It's like leaving your split-level and coming back to the Winchester Mystery House.

I was just about to bring this up.  The book is so reliant on Chief's perspective and the way he filters what's happening that changing the point of view doesn't seem like it should work.  Especially since there is very little to Chief if you don't know his thoughts, so his impact on the tone is pretty much gone with

That's what I was telling everyone who yelled at me for trying to watch it in order.  I stalled at episode 36 on my own, though.

DS9 has always been the missing bit of my Trek viewership.  I was inexplicably leery of it until it showed up on Netflix, then I watched five episodes and loved it.  I've been holding off since then so I could watch along with the AV Club.

Yep.  She and Conan were especially (and oddly) good together.  Most of the clips of her on Late Night have been removed, but there's this:

My name is Bing Bong the Archer.  I'm an archer and such.