
@Patrick_Batman:disqus I know. I spent the entire movie thinking how does this look worse than movies the same guy made almost ten years ago. Even after I read some bad reviews I was still looking forward to a really cool looking movie and I didn't even get that.

I've seen a few pairs of really ugly glasses that definitely detracted from the attractiveness of their wearer but overall I have no problem with them. I'm pretty sure I've met more people who think glasses make someone more attractive than people who dislike them.

I agree. I'm as anti censorship as they come especially when it comes to schools but showing sixth graders a movie full of graphic torture crosses the line. It's ok to say that something isn't appropriate for a certain age group. Plus what possible educational value value could saw have?

@avclub-a3116fcb0ff78581d441a3de68287e73:disqus Amon Hen was definitely a high point. As for the cave chase it wasn't the choppy editing that made it look video gamey to me it was the swarms of identical goblins being swatted away as the dwarves ran through what easily could have been some kind of genreic underground

Yeah the cave escape was one of my biggest problems with that movie. It was ridiculous and looked way too much like a video game. Somebody above pointed out the discrepancy between the serious LOTR action and goofy dwarf antics and that scene was basically the epitome of that. I sat through the entire chase just

Yep. Just because you can afford new clothes doesn't mean you're somehow obligated to waste obscene amounts of money on them.

Same situation here. Thrift stores are a great place to buy cheap jeans and sweaters (I'm too picky about shirts to buy them there). Being able to afford more expensive things and deciding not to waste money on them doesn't mean you're somehow insulting the poor.

Exactly. I'm reasonably well off but almost all of my jeans come from good will because paying thirty dollars for a pair of pants is fucking silly. There's nothing ironic about liking cheap clothes.


Honestly I'm always kind of expecting someone to just randomly die of disease on this show. I know they probably won't but it would be a nice nod to the shittiness of life in a medieval type world if a somewhat important crafted some elaborate scheme and then scratched their leg on something rusty and just died of

I think it's more along the lines of free people from slavery and they'll be grateful.

I agree. I feel like I need to go stockpile skittles now while lime still exists.

That's actually kind of inspirational in a weird way.

I was a weird mixture of Sam and Lindsey. I had Lindsey's whole good kid trying to rebel thing and Sams total geek thing going on but I didn't like my schools freaks or geeks so I just hung out with my boring normal friends who didn't smoke weed or play dungeons and dragons my two greatest loves at the time.

I just don't understand this point of view. I can see the problems with season 3 people talk about even if they don't really bother me but putting it on par with season 4 just seems crazy to me. Even if we ignore the few really good episodes you're talking about season 3 was so much funnier than 4. I know humor is

I never really got invited to high school parties in high school but I went to a few college parties with an older friend of mine. The only one that was really memorable was a toga party my friends girlfriends neighbor was having. For some reason I though it would be a great idea to eat a bunch of some weird

I got a lot of "Why are you here" too. Then people just stopped inviting me to things because they assumed I wouldn't want to come.

Yeah the idea that divorce is the worst thing ever for children pisses me off too. My parents divorced when I was pretty young and believe it or not living in two houses was much more enjoyable than shouting and constant passive aggressive complaining about each other (not that that went away entirely). I know tons of

We apparently have similarly offensive brains because I do the same thing.

I've heard very good things about the books and fully intend to read them (I am a pretty big fantasy fan so any fantasy series I hear about so much is definitely on my radar) I just want to wait until I finish the show. I don't know if books first or show first is the best way to enjoy the story but I've already