
Yeah I have a similar thing to this with my girlfriend who's bisexual. She has a very hard time believing that I'm completely straight because she finds the idea of only being attracted to one gender very strange.

I've been putting off reading Cien Anos de Soledad for a long time because I wanted to read it in spanish and keep saying I'm gonna wait until my spanish gets a bit stronger to read it but I think I'm going to take this as a sign to just go for it. As of now I've only read Un Senor Muy Viejo con Alas Enormes and El

Yeah I should have been clearer. The situation is less me stealing my friends girlfriend and more a girl who is into me hooking up with my friend dating her for a few days out of a feeling of obligation and then regretting it and deciding she'd rather be with me.

Thanks for the advice everyone but I don't really have any choice in whether she dumps her or not since they've only been dating a few days and she's been miserable the whole time because she hasn't been with me. The dumping is going to happen no matter what I do so I figure I might as well go with the option that

Whooo I finally sort of have enough of a sex life to post here! So I just started my freshman year of college having never been in any kind of sexual or romantic relationship before. I fell for this girl almost as soon as I got here and then she started dating one of my best friends. The other night she told me she

I can't really think of anything for Kentucky so I'll go with Methamphetamine by Old Crow Medicine Show. "Cause when it's either the mines or the kentucky national guard, I'd rather sell him a line than be dying in the coal yard" is a fairly accurate description of eastern kentucky.

The first time I smoked pot was when I was thirteen and I didn't feel anything but acted like I did to impress my non smoking friends. The second time about a week later I got so high I just sat on the floor rocking back and forth with a huge smile on my face for about an hour. The first time I drank I had three beers

@avclub-9079ea527e08a24dfad44e3302d5f091:disqus The big difference between this and what people said about Bush is the racism. Theres a difference between exaggerated critiques of someones politics and claiming they're going to take over the country with an army of gang members because they're black.

I'm about the same age as you and I love Elliot Smith but I don't know many other people my age who are into him so it could be an age thing. I started listening to him really young cause my dad was a fan so I was somewhat familiar with his songs before I started to actually identify with any of them.

The line from Twilight that really gets me is "I'm so tired of being down I've got no fight." The way he sings it really makes it sound like he's just had one bad thing after another happen to him and is finally too exhausted and defeated to even care anymore.

I agree. If the show actually gets bad I could see wanting it to end but I don't get people wanting it to end already because the potential exists for it to decline in quality.

Same. I think I came here for the first time through the onion but the Buffy reviews were the first thing I read consistently and what cause me to stick around.

I guess I can see how Restless might not work that well as a finale for some people but I loved it. I thought it was a great counterpoint to the traditional big showdown that previous seasons ended with as well as being a really interesting, surreal episode. It's also one of my favorite portrayals of dreaming in a

After having spent the entirety of high school as single as possible I was incredibly excited when in the last few days of my senior year a girl I barely knew suddenly started talking to me a lot and asking me for rides. I ended up talking to her a bit and eventually she told me she didn't want a boyfriend but invited

Congratulations on six months.

There are people in that group who think that we can't really hurt the planet or run out of resources because God won't let it happen. I once heard a guy say that he didn't believe in environmentalism because the rapture will come before we really ruin the earth.

@avclub-7dc8b441cf4e6fe9bc806679c4579e68:disqus Yeah I've chuckled at more Sluggo comments than I'm proud of.

Yeah it doesn't really apply to Lena Dunham but sausage as a blood type is kind of funny. I chuckled.

There is just so much going on in that post.

Yeah I was pretty annoyed by the stupidity of the tornado scene for the exact same reason. Clark could have easily saved the dog or his dad without giving away that he had powers. It's not like he had to lift a car off them or anything, it just would have looked like he got lucky and didn't get hurt by anything.