
When they came for Dikachu I did not speak up because I did not have a penis for a nose.

You're my favorite.

Exactly. It's shocking that Robb dies but the most shocking part is that his rebellion fails. We've been conditioned to expect that when someone like Robb rises up against someone like the Lannisters for noble reasons they will eventually win no matter what obstacles they face or what bad decisions they make. What I

I plan on reading the books after the show ends. At this point I've become sufficiently invested in the show that I've committed to having it be my first experience of the story all the way through. If I'd started reading the books right before the show started I would have finished each book before starting its

My immediate reaction was "holy shit what the hell just happened" but my next thought was "I have to wait an entire week to see the aftermath of this" I really can't wait to see how this plays out and the effects it will have on the story and there are few episodes of this show I've been anticipating more than next

Jaime might not be a good guy but he's much more likable than Cersei. If she'd had to Cersei would have pushed Bran out the window in a heartbeat and we haven't seen her do anything to help other people the way Jaime has with Brienne. If you look somewhat objectively at the things both of them have done and their

I loved what happened for the way it subverted standard fantasy tropes and the effect it will have on the story but I kind if hated watching it. It was an awesome moment of television and I'm glad it happened but I still just feel kind of bad after watching it.

I guess in a situation like that you're right but I'm talking more about continuations after there's already been a conclusion to the story or in a situation where the story line is less important like a comedy. Even in cases like Lost I wouldn't say the ending ruins what came before it as much as it ruins the story

I feel the same way. Even though they're fictional and not the most likable characters I don't see how anyone can watch what happened and think ehh I didn't really like them anyway. I can see appreciating the effect this will have on the story as Robb's plot line was a bit boring but the whole being glad a bunch of

I thought that the way this just killed the northern rebellion was really impressive narratively too. We've had Robb fighting this war trying to avenge his father and winning all kinds of battles and then he just fails completely right when it looked like he was going to make a big move. That's not something that

This is exactly how I feel. I'm always confused when people don't want some kind of comeback because it might be bad. If it's bad just ignore it, it can't retroactively ruin what came before it.

It was the most memorable one at least. The rest of them just kind of blended together into one big mediocre blob but I remember the puppet one. I still don't know if I liked it or not but I remember it.

While I kind of hated watching this I loved how brave it was story wise. Not only did they kill off a bunch of main characters but Robb's rebellion essentially failed. At no point did I see that happening no matter how badly he screwed things up because in movies and T.V heroes who fight wars for good reasons and make

I had Robb's death spoiled too but in a way where I wasn't sure if they were making a joke or being serious so I wasn't sure if it was gonna happen or not. Then since I'm an idiot I got on the internet today even though I didn't watch the episode until a couple minutes ago and saw the words red wedding so I had an

I haven't seen it yet either and I'm already regretting even opening this website today. I haven't had anything specific spoiled but I have read things I wish I hadn't. I've gotten pretty good at immediately scrolling way down the second I see a capital G.

I went camping over the weekend so I didn't do a whole lot pop-culture wise. I did however discover that a friend of mine I have very little in common with in the way of pop-culture is a huge Archer fan and has actually been catching all of the Archer references I make in conversation. There are few things nicer than

That is the exact scene where I realized just how gorgeous she was. Apparently she looks really good while punching.

I just recently started my first watching of BSG and I'm loving it so far. I've heard bad things about the ending but I think I can deal with that if there's so much good stuff before it.

I live in Kentucky and trust me you don't want to live here. I guess if you're really into college basketball and hate even mildly predictable weather you might like it but you probably won't.

I just bought New Vegas with all the DLC so I'll be playing that this weekend. I've played it before for a little while at a friends but I'm looking forward to being able to actually make some progress in it.