
They're not necessarily related but it is an option. She is a fan and we might end up watching them but there is no specific plan as of yet.

@avclub-32a2e71c97df5281f1324db72c73a59a:disqus That sounds terrible. The last time I took shrooms I got stuck in some nasty thought loops but actually managed to save myself by coming on here and reading random comments for a few hours to remind myself that the rest of the world still existed.

This is about as cool as something involving bone cancer can be.

I spent at least a year and a half lurking here. I'm glad to see this is so common.

I couldn't think of a name when I signed up here and had recently watched Smile Time. Not very exciting.

Bob Dylan "Tombstone Blues"
Tom Waits "Fannin Street"
Fear "Getting the Brush"
Neutral Milk Hotel "The Fool"
Bob Dylan "Knocking on Heavens Door"

No specific plans but I have a good chance of going on my first date in a very long time and Arrested Development is coming out so it looks like it's gonna be a pretty awesome weekend.

@ElDan:disqus God people who fuck with you when you're tripping are the worst. The first time I took shrooms the asshole I bought them from spent the rest of the night occasionally opening fire on me with a huge airsoft gun and throwing firecrackers at me. That was not a lot of fun.

I liked the abrupt senseless of Anya's death. They basically treated a main character like some random grunt who you see get cut down in the middle of a fight. I thought it was a good way of showing that when you fight a war people die and no one is safe.

The Buffy reviews were what got me to start coming here regularly as well. I'd poked around a bit before but that was what got me to check in every week to read the new review.

I wouldn't call season six my favorite but I have no hate for it. It's definitely better than seven and one in my opinion probably tied with four. Willows magic addiction is dumb as there are some other problems with the season but I still love it.

I'm really bad at remembering when things happen even if its the same time every week so I always end up in the tolerability index four or five hours late sadly scrounging through the mounds of abandoned comments looking for anything less than two hours old I can reply to. There's always stuff going on there I'd like

That's a very good point and why I'd recommend a therapist for her rather than trying to confront this guy. It obviously is bothering her and she should be able to get help with that but from what we know it really looks to be her problem and not his.

I agree but when stuff like sexual assault gets even a little involved I try to be really sensitive just because of how serious a thing it is. In this specific situation I think you're right but especially given how little information on what really happened we have I'd rather just be a little apologetic than end up

I loved Howl too and am a bit surprised by the somewhat negative opinions of it. It's also the only Miyazaki film I've watched in the past year so it might just be clearer in my mind but I don't consider it much of a drop in quality. It does get a but sloppy around the end but I can't say I was terribly bothered by

Whoah, so this is what it's like to get here around the time the article is actually posted and not six hours later. Oh insomnia I could never stay mad at you.

I agree that counseling would be a better option. I obviously don't know everything about the situation but it seems like this is something she needs to deal with personally and I don't think getting the guy involved would be very helpful at this point.

Yeah I really try to avoid saying people should "get over it" especially women seeing as I can't have actually had the same experience as them but being upset for seven years because an overexcited fourteen year old did some groping and dry humping seems a little extreme. It's entirely possible the circumstances were

I don't hate season 7 as much as some people because it's still Buffy but its definitely the weakest one. The potentials are incredibly annoying as is Buffy in that season. That said it still had some great episodes and I don't regret having watched it at all.

Binge watching Buffy and Angel on Netflix late at night is probably my favorite t.v based memory. I loved Noel's reviews too even though I was done with the show by the time I started reading them. These comments are really making me want to start re watching Buffy again.