
I'm gonna go with yes.

Exactly. Refusing to fuck anyone who calls themselves a conservative isn't a great strategy but if you find out someone is anti gay rights or pro life or something I think it's fairly valid to not want to be around them or sleep with them. Politics are one thing but bigotry is another thing all together.

@avclub-d2a600f2a20d6c5ac97dde37bba8493e:disqus I didn't catch the religious stuff in The Chronicles of Narnia the first time I read it either. I think it was a combination of being really young and not really knowing anything about Christianity but it all went right over my head. I don't know if I even knew the story

Weird, sometimes great, sometimes terrible with too much talking could describe any college radio station anywhere in the country.

Obviously it matters but in this world people like her just don't have that choice. It's wrong that she's being forced into a marriage but that's how things work in Westeros and Tyrion is much better than most of her options. He might not be her ideal partner  but I think someone who actually cares about her well

The idea that Melisandre would track down a random bastard whose identity and location no one know or cares about seemed pretty unlikely to me. I guess I underestimated her scrying abilities.

Do they know he's Ned's son? He never said anything about it and the wildlings aren't very familiar with people from the kingdoms.

Yep. When they first met and she was talking about teaching him to fish and hunt so he could live free out past the wall that sounded like about the best offer anyone on the shows gotten. It seems like she really sees through all the honor bullshit and just wants to live and be happy which I definitely understand.

I feel the same way. I wouldn't even want to see what's being done to Theon done to Joffery. Screaming in pain has a way of humanizing even the worst of people.

I saw it more as Ygritte being very independent and not really caring about the wildlings cause. Like she said there are plenty of other soldiers to take their places, she just wants to stay alive and be with the man who makes her happy. She wasn't swearing to obey him she was swearing to stay with him and made him

Invading wildlings can't exactly walk through the gate like the Nights watch did.

They skip several characters pretty much every week. It's been a long time since we've seen everyone in one episode.

Well obviously it's not a perfect arrangement but its about as good as it gets for her. Lora's would have been better but Tyrion will treat her well and try to help her as much as he can. The baby making wont be a lot of fun for anyone but she'd be doing it no matter who she had married and Tyrion can't be that much

Damnit I was gonna make that joke.

He crossed Varys but I don't think it was serious enough to really invoke his wrath. You don't get to where Varys is if you take revenge everytime one of you spies is killed. I like Varys and think he's a decent guy but he knows the risks of the game and wouldn't take them if he wasn't willing to accept the

He's definitely good looking. I've heard from people who've read the books though that Tyrion is not supposed to be nearly as handsome as Dinklage which seems to result in people on the show acting like he's uglier than he appears.

I kind of saw Sams weird jolliness as him trying to act brave for Gily. Being highborn I'm sure he was taught about chivalry and whatnot so I figured he was trying to act like the brave knight who was protecting her. He's probably in a decent mood too. He saved the girl and he's going back to the wall which is as good

I'm having the same problem. I love reading and know I should be doing it but somehow I just can't get around to actually reading any books. I'm gonna really try to remedy that this week.

I started watching thinking the characters were really annoying too. Fortunately I found the world interesting enough to keep watching because they improve greatly as the show goes on along with everything as about the show. By season two you'll be glad you started watching.

This makes me so sad. I rarely rewatch the show but I like knowing its there if I ever want to.