
The back half of Avatar season two is one of my favorite pieces of t.v ever. The rest of the show is great too but that section is on another level. I watched the first two seasons in one day while hungover mostly because once I hit the beginning of that string of episodes I just couldn't stop.

I think so yeah. The seem to be a one shot thing.

I loved this episode too. Once I get on here and read the review and talk about it a bit I can see that some episodes are better than others but while I'm actually watching it they're all A's for me. Even when the episodes wheel spinny and not much happens like this one I have a huge grin on my face the whole time

God watching Sansa smiling and talking to Loras about their marriage knowing what was coming next was devastating. I know this isn't the right show to be watching if you want everyone to be happy but could something please go right for her. I'm sure Tyrion will be good for her but I just want her to get out of Kings

I can't imagine Arya gives a shit about that. She saw him cut her dads head off and she's going to make him pay for it. I can't say I blame her.

@avclub-9b972ab65a176d0a3aabf71ea0c01ffc:disqus I guess it's possible. Based on what we've seen on the show though I think it's pretty clear she wants him for another shadow baby seeing as she said as much to Stannis before she left. Plus as a bastard Gendry has absolutely no claim to the throne. who knows though,

Ilyn Payne. He's the guy who was with the women during the battle at Kings Landing to kill them if they lost. I think he might have been the one who actually executed Ned but I'm not sure. That seems like the only reason Arya would want him dead so badly seeing as he's just a random knight.

I think everyone talking about Gendry as a candidate for king is on the wrong track. Melisandre doesn't need a claim to the throne, she has Stannis. She needs Baratheon blood so she can make another smoke demon seeing as Stannis is too worn out or something.

That was not an excellent read of that scene. I don't consider myself the most attentive of viewers but I'm pretty sure I could tell what she was getting at there. It wasn't incredibly subtle.

Plus when she said blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes it definitely seemed like she was talking about specific people she's going to kill. I saw it as her confirming that Arya will get her revenge. Now whether she really saw the future or just saw what Arya wanted and said it to make her feel better is up for debate.

I loved how weird looking they are. It would be hilarious if all of the men Frey sends Robb are the craziest grossest looking people in Westeros.

@avclub-8960b60364cfbb5ea071c2507704fb2a:disqus The second Idiotking posts an actual spoiler I'll be on him as hard as anyone else but this wasn't a spoiler and your personal problem with him isn't a good enough reason to get upset about this. Can we just have a nice discussion of the show without a bunch of silly

I think a small group of wildlings who know the area are probably moving much faster that a fat guy and a woman with a baby. I can't imagine Bran's crew is moving too fast either what with a cripple and a kid. Besides that those are good points but I think at some point you just have to accept that the geography and

I thought she was going to have him impregnate her with another smoke monster seeing as that's how the first one was made. I think when she was talking about kings blood she just meant she needed someone with royal blood not the blood itself.

I agree. If someone really had something spoiled by this that's unfortunate but I really can't see how that was considered a spoiler. Just mentioning that there are books isn't a spoiler you have to actually talk about what's in them.

Yeah I would have been very upset if she'd died. I really do like her as a character but I'd be lying if I said the fact that the is stunningly gorgeous played no part in my attachment to her.

Well congratulations to everyone who predicted Melisandre would come for Gendry to impregnate her with another smoke monster or whatever she's planning. It seemed a litlle far fetched for me but you all were right.

I was legitimately afraid for Ygritte when she fell. Throughout the whole rope cutting I was thinking of course they'll be fine but at that lest second before she grabbed his hand I thought oh shit they might really kill her. I was still fairly confident she'd make it but the thought definitely crossed my mind.

Exactly. It's entirely possible I've missed out on some movies I would have like because they got bad reviews but that is more than balanced out by the amount of time I haven't wasted watching movies I would hate because they got bad reviews. In a perfect world I would have the time and motivation to watch and form my

I think that was when they played croquet but it may have been part of Calvinball as well.